For context I was in a LTR for for 4-5 years which ended at the start of this year, so I’m not sure if this a me issue.

The girl I’m dating seems to show very little interest in me. It’s been several months and whilst she responds quickly to texts she is more often than not, blunt and vague in such a way as I would normally take as a women not being interested. Except, she still goes on dates with me, we still have sex, and in person 90% of the time she is fine, though on some occasions she will seem more interested in her phone.

I’m generally quite a secure person, but she acts as though I am totally disposable and if I try to address the issue or point out that the way she is texting me or talking to me is rude she will become avoidant or answer vaguely or send silly photos. I’ve told her I feel it’s disrespectful and whilst we’ve not been dating long, if she doesn’t want to talk to me then she should just say so rather than talking to me in a way I consider rude.

I showed some of these texts to some friends (girls) of mine, who initially said to me I was probably simply over thinking it and they were just as perplexed as I was, and told me I should probably dump her.

I do like her and I feel like I’m constantly justifying this behaviour to myself, but in person she really is fine most of the time (though not all). However she makes me feel like I’m beneath her in some way, or that I’m being weird and needy when I point out how I feel, when I’m just trying to communicate.

I’m starting to find it exhausting, she tells me I’m making things up in my head but I feel like I’ve been with enough women to know wheninterest is low. But I have no idea why she would still be dating me if she’s not interested. Maybe I am being needy?

Any advice appreciated

  1. How did you originally meet her? A dating app? If so, was she always texting in this vague manner or did it slowly happen over time?

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