Or just make myself try to have interest in them.. I guess?
And with that comes having to listen about topics you don’t really care about, but you should listen to it because it’s important to them… Did I get it right?
I usually don’t listen to people talking about things that do not interest me in any way, and am very bad at socializing. Sometimes I cut off people who are excited about things because I just don’t notice they are glad to share it with me.

Writing this makes me feel very dumb, but.. I just need to know If I understood that or If it’s wrong.

1 comment
  1. If you want a friendship, it has to be just as much about them as about you. It can’t be you all the time.

    >having to listen about topics you don’t really care about, but you should listen to it because it’s important to them… Did I get it right?


    >I usually don’t listen to people talking about things that do not interest me in any way

    That’s very self motivated. Of course you don’t owe them anything and you don’t have to listen if you don’t want to, but don’t end up with a surprised Pikachu face if they don’t listen to you either.

    >Sometimes I cut off people who are excited about things

    That’s very rude.

    >because I just don’t notice they are glad to share it with me.

    Why else would they be telling you? Why does one have to be glad to share it with you specifically?

    Take a step back. Would you want to be friends with someone who never listens to anything you’re interested in and interrupts you when you’re talking about something you’re excited about? You may not find everyone interesting but try to find something interesting about them, and in the process, you’ll get to know them as a person. Also, work on the rude habits. Every relationship is a two way thing.

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