Men of Reddit what are some deal breakers you have for dating?

  1. Bad attitude.

    Drug user.



    Fake hair colors.

    Pixie cuts.

    Dumb as dirt.

    Too much makeup.


    Any of those is a deal breaker.

  2. I don’t do drama. We can (and probably should) disagree about certain aspects of life, but if we can’t have a civil discussion, I’m out.

  3. The usual stuff.

    Differing views on marriage, having kids, or monogamy. Drug use other than pot or excessive drinking. Lack of physical attraction or common interests. Our personalities just aren’t operating on the same wavelength.

  4. Dishonesty. Disrespect. Rudeness. Abusiveness. Inability to take care of themselves. Disregard for their health. Disregard for others. Fans of the Pittsburgh Penguins.

  5. If I get the slightest whiff of an impression that the person I’m dating is ‘making do’ or ‘settling’ with me, I’m out.

  6. Not putting in equal effort into our sex life. I’m too tired of doing all the work to make that happen.

  7. – Drug user
    – is more overweight than me. It’s not because of it being “ugly” rather how is my dick meant to fit into that ass if that ass is bigger than the Eiffel Tower?

    – Underage
    – Cheats
    – Speaks lowly of their partners behind their backs

  8. Inflexible ideologies. We need honest communication and both of us need to have our opinions respected and considered. Anyone that calls me a sinner or considers any difference of opinion to be support for the patriarchy…. can find another place to be.

  9. Wanting kids. I don’t want any.

    If you’re really passionate about politics, even if I agree with your ideology.

    Complaining without doing anything to change the situation.

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