What was your first ever job? Are you still there and did/do you enjoy it?

  1. Lifeguard was my first official job.

    It was pretty boring, but paid decently for a student job and turned into teaching red cross classes in grad school which was good.

    I don’t do it anymore

  2. I used to set up the paper rounds in the local shop in the mornings and generally claen stuff. 4am starts at 12 years old were brutal, but the £30 a week made up for it.

    Now I get paid slightly more in a better job.

  3. My first full time, post-college job was writing for a small newspaper. I liked it but I quickly realized I’d never be paid what I was worth in the industry because too many people want to do it as it sounds romantic and exciting.

  4. Cashier at a department store called Roses. I was 16. I am not still there (thank Satan) and I did not enjoy it.

  5. My first job was working in a retail store. The job was okay, and I was laid-off a few months after I started the job.

  6. Dishwasher in a cafe when I was in high school. It was busy, the kitchen was hot and noisy, but not a bad first job.

  7. Security was my first adult job.

    I left after 8ish months.

    Pay was shit, hours were dogshit, management was bullshit.

  8. Leaf crew. I was forced to quit because my feet were risking permanent damage due to the steel toe boots we had to wear. Backs of them were swollen to the size of softballs and had blisters on every individual toe. Otherwise I didn’t enjoy it much because the driver considered everything a race and HAD to be done the fastest or I’d get yelled at.

  9. Dishwasher at a local restaurant when I was 15. The work itself sucked, but I enjoyed the environment and was getting paid more than most of my classmates who were working fast food or retail.

    I’m not still there because that was a long time ago. Now I’m a chef running my own restaurant.

  10. I was a dishwasher. It was OK I guess, but I will never, ever go back to that or anything similar.

  11. First real job was slave in a warehouse. Not literaly but real fucking close. No there anymore, didn’t enjoy it.

  12. My first job was sending emails to companies, and I would collect/collate their responses into a report – I did that for 3 years.

    No I didn’t enjoy it. I didn’t mind the work so much but the culture of the company made working there very unenjoyable.

  13. Cutting grass in the summers. It was fun, didn’t have to be inside like most of my friends for their summer jobs.

    My parents subsidized me obviously lol using the old man’s mower and gas to make money for me to spend. Taught me a lot of skills though, so I guess it was really an investment from him.

    I only cut my own lawn now.

  14. I worked at a company that handled food, I was an order picker. That job made me teach myself how to work efficiently and handle different kinds of people

  15. dishwasher at a restaurant. I am not still there 40 years later. It was OK. The manager was a drunken asshole.

  16. Soccer ref for the park district. Don’t do it anymore, but was a nice way to get out on the weekends. For the most part, all good, but there’s always that 1 parent that everyone knows about.

  17. Retail and it was terrible. It tolerable when I just decided to treat the public the way they treated me. People back down when they realize you won’t put up with their bs

  18. 1st paying job was working on the farm for my Uncle who had no kids.
    1st in town job was pump jockey @ a full service gas station.
    1st full time job was operating a alfalfa harvester. The company dried them & pressed them into pellets. 10 hr shifts, 4 days on, 3 days off. 2 weeks on day shift then 2 weeks on night shift. Paid decent but only worked there for less than a yr. During the non growing season we did maintenance & repairs on the plant & equipment or worked as contract drivers for local farmers driving tractors, trucks or whatever work needed doing.

  19. I did some basic book keeping for a lumber yard. Stuff like doing the credit card payments into the general ledger, did the payroll.
    Didn’t really enjoy it, but I was 14 so hard to imagine a 14 year old liking work to begin with. Those days are long gone

  20. Floor installer with my Dad. Not doing it anymore. I still take side jobs but I’ve put that on hold while I fix up my old house. Love putting in ceramic showers more than anything and helping home owners pick which patterns they like or ideas with colors. With the housing market crashed I ended up getting out of the business back in 2008 and bounced around doing odd jobs. Worked a production line at a wallpaper print plant, landscaping, picking up a a new trade skill when and where I could. Never really learned plumbing. Right now I’m working as the maintenance man at my church and kind of filling the “jack of all trades” position. Im looking forward to finishing my house so I can get back to my side jobs again though.

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