Years ago I somehow came into possession of that one mint shower gel. Smelt nice, thought it was an intriguing ‘flavour’ for a shower gel, but oh boy… I was not prepared..

Who is crazy enough to come up with a shower gel like this, let alone use it??

Do you have a kink for your genitals feeling like they’re on fire, or do you not bother washing them at all?

  1. To me it’s a tingle at best, when people say it burns I wonder what the fuck they are doing with it.

  2. I don’t feel it as a burn – more of a cool chill. I love the mint source one but the Cien copy ones from Lidl and B&M don’t have any strength.

  3. How does it burn? It’s not Tiger Balm lol.

    I find mint shower gels really refreshing in the morning.

  4. If you can find it for a decent price, that “Below the belt grooming” stuff is decent
    Maybe your skin is just really sensitive the tingling I get but it shouldn’t be burning your rig

  5. I once got some inside my vagina. Jesus fucking wept, it stung like a bee. I had tears in my eyes. I binned an almost full bottle immediately.

  6. Mint Source is too weak for me. I dissolve three Trebor Extra Strong mints in to a 500ml bottle of the stuff, and really work the resultant concoction into my foof to really make sure I’m awake.

  7. That stuff kept me sane during the heatwaves.

    As for you feeling like your genitals are on fire when you use it, sounds like you may well have a bit of crotch rot you need to get treated.

  8. I agree, it’s hellish stuff.

    Clearly invented as a practical joke, up there with “itching powder” and similar.

  9. Been using nothing else for the best part of a decade. Gives me nothing more than a mild sense of freshness that enhances post shower satisfaction.

  10. I just have separate arsehole soap. Imperial Leather, nothing but the best for my balloon knot.

  11. I use it. I don’t get any particular ‘sensation’ from it I just like the smell.

  12. It’s a stepping stone. Now I cover myself in toothpaste as I’m desensitised to the gel alone

  13. Makes your balls tingle a little whilst cleaning at the same time, what’s not to like?

  14. Ah you lot are wimps 🙈 Original Source about 7 – 10 years ago used to do a Black Mint, now that really did hit the spot.. The tea Tree one compared is tame.. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  15. It’s great in summer! Especially if you need to be up early or had a rough night – really wakes you up!

  16. I once used menthol head and shoulders shampoo as lube, to say she was not happy would be an understatement.

  17. It’s supposed to be good for people who suffer with migraines, I am not sure why that smell is supposed to help but worth a try!

  18. It’s amazing when you’ve got a cold and your nose is all bunged up. A couple of minutes stood under the hot water with that stuff, and you’re suddenly able to breathe again. It’s a miracle.

  19. The one that burns on contact with skin?
    I am currently using a bottle because it was cheap, I don’t think I will be buying another one!

  20. I do wonder if the people who say it burns are also the type to say chip shop curry sauce melts their mouth off.

  21. As an American who is constantly searching for mint shower gel, please gimme the deets!

  22. This is like somebody posting “what kind of insane people eat peas? They’re disgusting!”

    Just because you don’t like something…

  23. When it first came out it was terrible, but I think they ‘watered it down’ a bit after it’s effects became well known.

  24. I get a burning sensation from mint as well… I always put it down to an allergy. Maybe you have it too.

  25. I love it on my armpits and body, but my balls are exempt. First and last time I used it I had to soak my bollocks in cold water. Ouch.

  26. We got some tea tree shower gel once and some went in my eye and I think I folded spacetime

  27. I quite like it. A nice cool ringpiece after a days graft.

    Also, the shaving gel version is awesome, really cools you down on a hot day.

  28. I stopped using it because Asda stopped having it on offer.

    Used to love the stuff.

    First time I used it, the sensation was…peculiar – but not bad peculiar, ya know?!

    The only bad experience I had with it was after a bout of food poisoning. As I was washing myself it ran down my back and down my arse crack.

    I believe I curled up in the foetal position and cried. Even after washing my poor raw, raggedy arsehole with copious amounts of water, I was stll weeping begging for the sweet release of death.

    My partner (now wife) just laughed at me when I told her what was wrong. She had also suffered with the food poisoning and learnt from my mistake and avoided the Original Sauce – opting instead for a much more gentle option. To be fair, I think even bleach would have been more gentle.

  29. >Do you have a kink for your genitals feeling like they’re on fire

    Yup, tingles a bit don’t it?

  30. I do, but it’s weak compared to the Black Mint one they used to do. I think they discontinued it after some careless person got it somewhere it really shouldn’t have gone and ended up complaining that it was too strong. I miss it…

  31. Did anyone watch Sean Bean in the BBC drama Marriage.

    I’ll forever think of shower gels like the minty one as being ‘revitalising’ with a real Yorkshire accent.

    ‘S’cuse me mate, you got any of that revitalising shower gel’.

    Would recommend the series, Sean Bean is great in it.

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