Hi lads, what projects are you working on?

  1. Repairing several color models by applying proper gamma correction and compensating issues like the Abney effect or Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect.

  2. Beauty contest rewards for a big mini-motorcycle event (2nd and 3rd place)

    Bending metal bars in the shapr of the numbre 2 and 3 and weld them onto a angle-iron piece.

    (I hate it when they ask it last minute and have other stuff to do. Can’t say no 🙄)

  3. I’ve got a 99 Dodge Durango that I’ve been making an offroad/camping rig. Working on my lighting now and getting fog lights and light bar wired to the switches inside.

  4. Expanding my garden. I have one area for your usual flowers, then another one for more fruitbearing/vegetable plants. I’m planning to grow some corn.

  5. I don‘t know if you would qualify this as a project but I’m training for a Triathlon coming up mid September; this takes a lot of my time.

  6. I’m trying to get a home built. Have the land and a lot of the preliminary permitting work done. In design phase.

    I also have to finish the exterior of an off-grid cabin I built.

  7. I’m running a Cyberpunk Red campaign so I guess that but really I’m trying to make cyberpunk genre music for it and it keeps coming out as synthwave. I can’t make aggressive leads if I wanted to.

  8. Just installed a new Thermostat.

    Looking to replacing the receptacles and bathroom vanity.

  9. Reducing RF transmission from antenna feedlines by proper grounding and equipment bonding to a specific locale or antenna

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