We have been on 4 dates, one of us slept over each time, each date was 18 hours or so. Have another date in 3 days. I hate all the PUA shit and think one should just do what is natural, but at the same time I understand that at early-ish stages of dating you do need to tone certain things down.

That being said I just feel like I would love to receive such a message (and she imitates messages as often as I do) – so am I just overthinking this or is there real value in letting the person miss you by not engaging?

I feel like a good night text is pretty low-key anyway since it doesn’t necessarily warrant any type of quick response.

She says sweet things to me in text and in person (e.g. I will miss you).

FWIW, I also plan to ask her to be exclusive next date and am fairly confident she is down. Although similarly, there is a small part of me thinking she should be the one imitating that conversation – but maybe that’s just toxic hookup culture influencing me.

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