I F (18) have been in a relationship with my bf M (19) for 7 months and we’ve been happy together but now i kinda see that i cannot talk about my problems to him,bc we both see life differently,i struggle with suicidal thoughts for over 6 years now and they do get worse at times but i dont tell him because he believes we are too young to be having problems we just need to relax and whatever,we’re two different people,but i love him deeply but i do think about breakup at times idk,he says his life wouldnt be good if i wasnt in it,i would say probably the same thing too and i know i wouldnt know how to live without him but i need more love and affection we cant see each other more than two times a week bc of his work and he lives 20 min away by car,but me being in this mental state i need more support and him being near me more often but i cant have that idk what to do,any thoughts would be appreciated.

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