Ir started innocent enough, he was looking for a natural energy booster and found kratom. Before he even started I looked into what it was and didn’t like some of what I found, mainly that it is addictive. He has addiction issues though nothing “hardcore”, he has severe trauma and whether its been alcohol or weed he feels like he “needs” a vice. It’s been over a year of using it now and he consumes it way too often, it’s clearly an addiction and when I confronted him about how I dislike his usage he said it’s hard to quit because when he uses less he can’t sleep and feels awful.. this made me do more research and learn that this natural thing activates the opiod receptors in your brain which is why the withdrawal is so bad. This majorly upset me and I told him what I read and that he should stop, he said he is trying to lessen how much he consumes.. however, he has not, he went through a bottle of 300 pills in 1 week, do the math, thats not cutting back. Now everytime he has some it instantly sucks all the air out of me, I’m instantly in a bad mood, its making me like him less and less, and not because he’s using them but because he’d say he would start using less but hasn’t and that he doesn’t care that it bothers me its all about him and what he wants. I think if I bring it up again he will get angry with me because its “his life”. Idk how to express to him, or get through to him that this is causing a rift between us because its pretty obvious I dislike it. He’s even started keeping it a secret when he goes to get more, this is a serious problem that I’m afraid could become something more but it seems he truly doesn’t care whats best for him.

Tldr: bf of 9 years addicted to kratom and doesnt care that I dont like it, not just for me but for him.

  1. >He’s even started keeping it a secret when he goes to get more, this is a serious problem that I’m afraid could become something more but it seems he truly doesn’t care whats best for him.

    Yeah this is what happens unfortunately.

    What exactly does the kratom do to him? Does it completely change his behavior? Does he have less vices because of the kratom? Or is it just another vice on top of his other ones?

  2. I’m sorry. Kratom is an insidious substance. It can be helpful for a lot of people but it is EXTREMELY addictive. I was heavily addicted to it for over 2 years. I took it in capsule form and at one point I was taking like 200 capsules a day. It was horrible. I managed to cut it down to half of that, but absolutely could not handle the withdrawals past that point. The withdrawals are excruciating, you need to have some compassion for him in that regard. The only way that I was able to get off of it was by talking to a doctor and starting suboxone treatment, which I’m currently in the process of tapering off of. Its going to be a long and difficult journey but he needs to realize that he is addicted and he needs to decide to quit for himself or else it’s not going to work. Please encourage him to see a doctor who is an addiction specialist. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.

  3. Break up with him because you’ll only be upset the rest of the relationship since he is clearly not stopping and even if he tried he would probably give up because of the withdrawals… or hed just get addicted to something else as well like you said in other comments. Find yourself someone who wants to be healthy to live a long happy life with you (not kill their organs with drugs and drinks and whatever else he consumes)

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