What made you more likely to get into a relationship with someone?

  1. Moving out of my parents’ house.

    There was just no way it was going to happen while I lived at my parents’ house. Autonomy is everything.

    I hadn’t been out of there for a *month* before I had a woman living with me.

  2. They’re my equal. A LTR requires both people to bring as much to the table. If there’s too much of an imbalance in any important areas it cause friction which wears after a while.

  3. When I’m sufficiently over my prior ex, have gotten back into good enough shape where I feel confident in myself, have gotten all my other bad habits and vices under control, have gotten my wardrobe updated, and finally feel like I’m in a good place emotionally and at peace with being single, that’s usually when I feel like I’m ready for a relationship.

    Problem is, it usually takes 2-3 years after a breakup to get to that point, and I’m nearly 40 now. So…. not sure how much longer I can keep repeating this. Some point soon, I’m just going to have to settle *for*, and force myself to make it work, I reckon.

  4. I am not that confident so I never really approach anyone I am interested in but I’ll tell you what this one girl came up to me and asked me on a date and I was head over heels just happy someone liked me lol

    Ended up being a bad relationship sadly but hey I was happy for a bit

  5. Being chased pretty hard. I had to admit it but it worked before, and I’m embarrassed how well it works.

  6. When she didn’t turn me down for a date. Granted, that stretches the definition of *relationship*, but it’s true.

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