Dear men of reddit,

I hope this post finds you well.

I am making this post beause I am looking for advice.

I am a 25 year old portuguese man, who is currently a working-student, majoring in chemistry and working in a small IT company.

My father was a soldiers in the army, and since I was a kid I’ve always admired the military. In the last few months I’ve felt some regret that my age limit to join the army is coming up (27 years old) and I never had the chance to serve. Some part of me would like to serve his country and to have a military experience. I think it could also give me some mental toughness and help me shape as a man.

I add that I would be joining as an officer (adjutant to platoon commander)

However, as I approach 30 years of age, with no wife and no kids, not many savings, and given that I would have to serve for two years, I am worried that my time would be better spent working in a company as an analytical chemist. I am worried that joining the army would delay the achievment of financial independence.

Maybe it is better if I lay things down in termos of goals and pro’s and cons.

Pros about joining the army:

\- Serving my country;

\- Mental toughness;

\- Live away from home.


\- Give up two years of my life and potential working experience;

\- Deal with some of the army BS.


\- Finish my degree;

\- Gain working experience;

\- Save 20% of the value of a house to buy my new home.

I am sorry if I was not very clear in presenting my questions. I would really appreciate if someone could be me some honest advice.

  1. Serving your country means serving the interests of those in charge. Can you point to the last military conflict your country was involved in that made a difference to the people of your country ?

  2. 2 years would fly by. Ask your 28 year old self who didn’t join up how he feels about it.

    You have to really want to do it, though.

    The other option is join the reserves later in life.

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