Today I 25 reached the peak of my concern regarding my gf 22 and her guy best friend.

Before you start getting upset at me, please understand that I have not let these thoughts control how I act or treat my gf. I have done my best in making sure that I can control that “insecurity “ if you want to call it that. We have been together for a year and 6 months. At the beginning of our relationship, I never thought this would be an issue again (one of my previous relationships my ex gf had a guy best friend that fell in love with her)

I’ve never had a woman as a best friend nor do I really care to form that kind of friendship unless I wanted to be with them romantically. I have very few women as friends. Had plenty of girls as friends in high school but never cared to rekindle a friendship with them because I am already satisfied with my male best friends. Overall, I get along with men and women just fine with no problems.

I have never met this guy best friend. She told me that he moved hours away for school. I believe they dated or maybe considered it before he left.

I am just bothered because of my last experience with a guy best friend and basically feeling like I was in a love triangle. Overall, I never have seen an issue with guy friends or acquaintances but guy best friend is a little bit of serious label to me while being with a woman.
Has anyone dealt with these feelings that can elaborate? I feel like my thoughts are normal. I trust my gf but I do know feelings change. I think it’s more probable when a best friend is involved. I feel like ive read these types of relationships on Reddit that ultimately led to feelings being formed.

I haven’t asked anything about their relationship. I’ve let it be like I should. I’ve only gotten info on him from her.

We live together and she wants a future with me but idk how to feel about another grown man being around forever.

  1. “reached the peak of my concern”

    Did she give you any reason to be concerned at all? So far it sounds like you’re solely dwelling on a imaginary scenario based on bad experiences and things you’ve read online.

  2. You can have any boundaries you need in a relationship and if that’s a dealbreaker for you so be it. I don’t blame you at all. It’s just a shame you are just now realizing this after already living together. In the future This is a getting to know you stage question. When you find out you dip out.

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