What keeps you up at night ?

  1. Thinking of past mistakes and regrets,thinking about an uncertain future. Caring for a mentally and physically declining loved one. YouTube,Reddit,Tv and stress snacking.

  2. Sometimes I think about this embarrassing moment I had once. I was dress shopping with my mom at the mall. A mannequin fell from wherever it was hanging and made a sound that caused my soul to leave my body and shrivel up. For some reason though, I decided to make direct eye contact with some random man while I went through the several emotions of shock. I’m sure it was a 30 second event but it felt like an hour of my face making several versions of Van Gogh’s Screaming Man all while the random man had a front and center view of this horror show.

    Anyways, this was 14 years ago and I age a little extra everytime I think about it.

  3. My mind giving me a re run of all the shit times I’ve been through like a trailer for a movie

  4. Existential dread about impending death, plus the fact there is nothing any of us can do about it.

    Ya know, small stuff.

  5. Anxiety, general insomnia, hayfever and then restless leg syndrome (when I take hayfever tablets) 🙄

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