My answer: bread

No other country would accept the clammy flaps of white sawdust that go around the outside of a British supermarket sandwich. Why do we put up with such rubbish bread?

  1. – Weather
    – Queues
    – The Government
    – Our Cuisine
    – Our Newspapers
    – Our Football Team

  2. Have you tried North American bread?

    Their sandwich loaf is so full of sugar i’d personally describe it as cake…

  3. How bad the roads are in general to drive on. Mainly patched up very badly or with significant cracks/potholes, along with being really narrow in a lot of places, it’s tough unless you’re a very confident driver!

  4. Plain sliced white bread is shit everywhere so dunno if we can really claim that as our own. I guess as sandwiches are from here we can probably accept some of the blame.

    Main ones that spring to mind for me are alcohol culture and weather.

  5. The state of the NHS

    Conceptually fantastic, but otherwise woeful with the exception of life-or-death emergencies

  6. No intention of being antagonistic but I think our bread is rather good. I had a cream cheese and smoked salmon sandwich today for lunch. Bread was fine. Not dry. Not sure where you buy yours from but hopefully you can find a better place.

    Otherwise I’m pretty embarrassed most of the time by some of our infrastructure. Bumpy roads, wobbly train tracks, inadequate street lighting, road works not completed on time. First world problems though.

  7. Not everyone accepts crappy supermarket bread.

    Certainly enough people in my vicinity to keep the local baker which produces much nicer bread, going.

  8. My wife’s French, and while she understandably considers the bread of her homeland vastly superior to UK attempts to replicate a baguette, she reckons we do sliced white like nowhere else, and it definitely has a place in the pantheon of classic breads.

  9. Bread? I don’t accept that, there’s loads of other places to buy it & bread ovens that are super easy

  10. Criticise the bread all you like, but the cheap shitty stuff is still miles better than the American equivalent

  11. The convoluted and archaic house buying process. The whole thing needs a reset and designed from scratch.

    For what it’s worth, our bread is far superior to many other countries. It’s obviously not as good as a fair part of continental Europe, but most of the rest of the world has far shitter bread than we do. Even in places like France, anything mass produced (e.g. not a freshly-baked baguette etc) is total shit compared to our own mass produced bread.

  12. Literally everything. Rubbish lined streets, people with no respect for their town, stupidly expensive public transport, everything is run down, local councils don’t do anything for their towns, stupidly expensive and horrible renting/ housing, stupidly expensive petrol, stupidly expensive accommodation when travelling within the Uk, horrible roads, a lot of places still only take cash, stupidly expensive to eat out, paying stupid amounts on national insurance but can’t see a doctor, impossible to see a dentist, the government is in shambles. I’m an outsider living in the Uk and you all just seem to have this “meh” attitude about everything and accept things the way they are. This isn’t an advancing country. I feel like it is just going backwards.

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