And he doesn’t want me. He breadcrumbs me and I *know* I’m not a priority in anyway like I used to be. I miss what we had and our connection. I *HATE* getting to know someone new and trying to find someone I’m at peace with. I hate dating. And I’m awake at night knowing I’m not wanted 🙁

  1. He isn’t responsible for your happier. Stop responding to the breadcrumbs. Cut all ties, block on everything and go do things that make you happy!

  2. If it makes you feel any better, you’re not alone. I’m in the same boat, but the only way out of this is to learn to he cool with yourself. Meeting new people SUCKS if you’re an introvert, so just don’t force it (ie stay away from dating apps) and just find something to do to keep yourself occupied and happy until you meet someone along the way that you click with.

  3. I’m going through something similar. I’m an introvert who works from home and tbh the things I like to do, I enjoy it more when I can share the experience with a partner. Im also finding it hard to block/ignore my ex’s calls. So I definitely understand what you are going through. So far, I just try to keep myself occupied with things like the gym, cooking or hanging with a friend when possible.

  4. Don’t do this. I know your pain. Cut it off. You will feel back to normal in a week.

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