I have difficulties in expressing myself through anything, whether it would be text or speaking or body language. I’ve always had difficulties with this, but lately, I’d say about a year ago, my social and comprehension skills seriously started dropping. Stuff that was easy for me before like having a simple conversation is now a lot harder. I keep forgetting words, mumble and stutter in the middle of sentences. Actually, everything has suddenly been harder for me. Reading, for the life of me i cant even read a single paragraph without forgetting what i read or that i have to reread it again. I cant keep my attention on anything without getting disinterested, even for just five minutes or so, and i usually give up and start procrastinating. Most of my everyday life feels like staring at a wall. Just writing this took me an hour and a half to come up with, and i tend to reread everything i write over and over again just to make sure its comprehensible. I feel so dull and stupid. I feel like everything i want to say and the way i perceive the world simply lies in my subconscious like pictures or ideas in my mind rather than words in my thoughts, and its making me feel so isolated and trapped. Like i cant keep up a conversation without feeling out of place or out of focus, which makes it very hard to get friends, not to mention i also have slight speech impediments. This is seriously fucking up my life, and I dont know what to do anymore.

1 comment
  1. I can relate to the difficulty in explaining myself, I had the same problem after the pandemic, but I feel like your problem is not entirely “social” and I recommend you speak about these hardships with your doctor, many of the things you wrote sound to me like ADHD.

    I hope the best for you, take care.

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