Have you moved away from the town you graduated highschool in? or do you still live there?

  1. I moved away to an area that is similar to the area I grew up in. Where I used to live became very urban, so I moved 20 miles to a rural area.

  2. Moved to city (lived in suburbs) in Midwest and then to East coast. Most high school acquaintances still live in metro area of my high school.

  3. Yep my moved from the middle of nowhere New York to Florida like 10 minutes away from West Palm. Great decision

  4. Moved away thinking I hated Buffalo. But moved back and discovered it actually had everything I was looking for plus I could actually afford property in a cool neighborhood.

    As it turns out suburbs are boring and that’s what I hated.

  5. Yes, I live in the same state but about 100 miles away. After I left for college, I never moved back.

  6. I moved from my small home town to the state capital. I wanted better jobs and higher income opportunities post college but close drive to my hometown for family medical issues. Majority of my high school never left or moved back after college.

  7. I live in the same metropolitan area as where I graduated high school, but not as where I finished middle school, and where I finished middle school is a completely different state than where I finished grade school.

  8. I moved 2,500 miles away two months after graduation and never went back (well, other than a quick visit)

  9. Moved away …. it’s been 20 years. And now that I’m older and married and settling down in life … we are going to move back when our son turns 18 in 3 years.

  10. Always wanted to move far away (teenage angst) but as I got older I realized I was close to a major city, a few hours from the beach, a few hours from the mountains and the area is still *relatively* LCOL. I live a few towns over from where I graduated and it’s not perfect, but I live pretty comfortably and can’t complain.

  11. Grew up in Phoenix, lived in LA, and now live in London. Staying in AZ was never for me.

  12. Moved away from Indianapolis.

    Lovely city. I go back frequently because my family is there but life just took me elsewhere.

    I have a couple high school friends I keep up with but I was closer with college and post-college friends.

  13. I grew up in a perfectly square town for perfectly square people outside Detroit. My home situation was toxic though. I joined the navy after high school because I was desperate to escape. 12 years on I have never been back to that town. I live in CT now, and all my family has moved away.

  14. I don’t live in the specific town where I went to high school, but this part of Maryland is all just sprawling suburbs. I moved away from my specific suburb pretty much as soon as I graduated. But my college was in a different suburb about 45 minutes away. And since I finished college in 2008 I’ve lived in various different suburbs all within less than an hour of where I went to high school.

    Don’t know if that counts or not.

  15. Went to Chicago for college. Was about to leave again when I met the woman who is now my wife, and decided to stick around.

  16. Graduated in my home town in NC. Since then I’ve lived in TN, MI, DC, all over NC, and now in NY.
    Full disclosure, I graduated in 96.

  17. I’m over 2000 miles away from where I graduated highschool. Hell, moved 8 hours away when I went to college. Kinda had it in my mind that I was gonna live west of the Mississippi after graduation. Ended up going to Germany, and now live in PA. So I definitely got that wrong

  18. Yes I moved as soon as I was able to. I am always excited to go back and see friends and family and then about 5 minutes into the visit I remember why I left.

  19. I moved way away. Grew up in a suburb of a large midwest city and now live where I can shoot deer in my yard if I wanted to. I don’t enjoy peopling any more than necessary.

  20. I moved about 5 hours away to a bigger city for 6 years. I moved back though not to the town I graduated high school in, another town in the same county about 40 minutes North though.

    Funnily enough, the area I’m from has an old wives tale. Geronimo was held captive at a fort here. The tale is that he cursed this land so that no one could leave. If you ever do, you will have an ache so deep that you will always return.

  21. I moved to a different state to work for 5 years and then returned to the same state, but not my hometown.

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