So I’ve been texting girl I like for a few months now, and we’ve only met thrice so far due to our busy schedules and circumstances.

For the first 2 times, I asked her out casually, never explicitly said it was a date. For the 3rd time, I explicitly asked her out on a date and she agreed, so I thought she liked me back.

We went out for our date, ate food and talked for a while. I thought things went okay, but I also opened up to her about my anxiety issues (which may have been the reason she friendzoned me ig). This was my first time dating, so I’m awful at showing romantic intentions and flirting which is something I’m working on.

After the date, she sent me a long text saying we just got to know each other, so we should still be getting to know each other better at the friends stage first. I’m a little confused about this, does this mean we should only stay as friends? Or does this open the possibility of a relationship in the future? Should I just take this as a rejection and move on?

Side note: After that long text, I said we didn’t need to rush things, and asked if she would still like to hang out in the future. She said yes she can, to which I replied ok just hmu if you want to meet again. I don’t plan to actively pursue her anymore, but if she shows some interest and initiative in meeting me again, I’ll give it a chance.

  1. The first few dates are always for testing the waters, and it sucks when you feel it went well and someone else doesn’t feel the spark. But that sort of what appears to have happened here – she’s tried to let you down gently and suggested she doesn’t have immediate romantic feelings (obviously take my interpretation with a grain of salt because I am judging this off of one post).

    But that sucks buts it’s okay, it’s not a fault in you that is why she didn’t feel the spark, it’s a pretty rare thing for two people to really click and most dates are a good experience and practice for the next.

  2. It’s most likely a flat out rejection tbh. Did you kiss and or have sex? You need to escalate a bit faster, you sound young and that will come with more experience.

  3. Yup I think your sidenote is exactly what you should do. Give yourself a pat on the back for having the courage to actually go out on a date despite having your anxiety issues! I definitely think that you have made a positive step forward in getting out there and starting to date! keep it up, your not going to find the girl of your dreams the first time you go out but the more you do the closer you get to meeting her!

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