Crossposted in r/relationships

Rachel (me F21)
Ross (bf M27)
Phoebe (the friend F26)
Monica (a different person F27)
Joey (bfs bsf M26)
Chandler (one of my friends F26)
Emily and Gunther (couple M and F both 27)

Me and Ross have been dating a year now.

It was Monica’s birthday the other day, so we all went out for drinks and a mini party.
We ended at a club and Ross and Phoebe were fully grinding up against eachother. Phoebe is hammered drunk, while Ross is just tipsy but I still felt uncomfortable. Me and Chandler where looking at eachother and I was refusing to talk to Ross. And Joey even took my outside when I legit cried into his arms coz I felt so disrespected. And it was just Phoebe it was Monica as well he was grinding up against and I was so upset.

It’s Emily and Gunthers wedding in a few weekends, and it’s a destination wedding.
Phoebe and Ross are sharing a room, and I don’t feel comfortable them sharing a single room with one bed (ross is gunna sleep on the floor).
Phoebe also said she was gunna give him many cigarettes and alcohol on the holiday, even tho she knows Im helping him quit smoking.

I just feel like I was very disrespected and I don’t know how to tell him I felt uncomfortable. This is nothing against Phoebe or Monica as I rly like both of them and get on with them just I felt uncomfortable.
Is there any way I can bring this up without making him feel bad or start an argument?
He’s meant to be going out with them all tomorrow and idk if I should wait till after???

TLDR: my bf was grinding with other girls and one of them is sharing a single bed room and I feel uncomfortable

  1. This is your first adult relationship. Learn from it. Know what your boundaries are, know what your values are, and know what makes a good relationship.

    Communication is key to a good relationship. Be direct, honest, open, and clear about how you feel and what you want. If he cannot receive how you feel and that you are uncomfortable with the sleeping arrangement then that’s useful information in assessing your relationship. He may go and stay with her regardless. You may want reassurances during his stay. All this is subject to discussion. This is what couples do. They talk about what is bothering them.

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