Hey there Reddit people, recently my wife and I have became friends with a married couple from our gym. They are great and we all get along so well they even moved in down the street from us. The wife of the other couple though seems to always be extremely flirty with me. More so than I’ve had before from other friends. I always think her husband will be say something or get uncomfortable with it but he never does. On the other hand her husband never flirts or makes moves with my wife. They are both attractive as well as my wife and I are. I just feel like every time we hangout it seems to go further and further. Last week she even attempted to sit on my lap after she got drunk (while my wife was not there).

BUT, am I just reading too far into this. I have recently been thinking about what it would be like to swing so maybe I’m just projecting this onto them in some sort of fantasy.

I’d just like to see what everyone thinks on here because we are planning a Cancun trip with them and another couple. Kind of nervous to be around them and all you can drink/no cut off alcohol.

All comments are helpful thank you! 😀

  1. Be up front man ask them politely and if so thats a great time to establish boundaries anyway ya look at there has to be boundaries and if not then tell em thats too bad cuz your wife smella so good lol just kidding hope this helps

  2. Honestly, it might be a bit awkward, but ask them. That’s the only real way to tell, communication. Lets you set boundaries and understand desires.

  3. What happens if you ask and the answer is some flavor of yes? If it turns out they swing, or if they’re poly and the missus has been craving your dick, would you act on it somehow?

    The first conversation you need to have is with your wife. Has she noticed this vibe too? Where is her head at? Is this something she’d be down to explore, or are yinz more traditionally monogamous than that?

    You don’t need to just figure out options, you need to figure out BOUNDARIES. Even if they’re not swingers and she’s just a big damn flirt, there’s a sense of escalation here that’s worrisome. It seems like she’s going to keep going further and further until you tell her to stop. Where do you and your wife need her to stop? Should she have stopped a while ago?

    Once you know what your options and boundaries are, talk to them and see what’s going on. If you need her to rein it in, say so. Maybe they’re non-monogamous, or maybe she just acts like she wants to fuck everyone and the husband is silently sick of it. You’re not gonna know what their deal is (and where you potentially fit in it) until you start using your words.

    And do it well before Cancun. There’s a version of that trip that ends in divorce after your wife walks in on you fucking the neighbor lady.

    You’re clearly enjoying the attention, and I’m not judging that. When someone you find attractive starts laying down those “Fuck Me” vibes, it’s fun! It’s exciting! It’s validating!

    But you’re in a committed relationship, and you need to respect and nurture that, too. No matter how much fun the attention is, is it worth damaging or even ending your marriage for?

    Good luck mate. Whatever your needs are, however this goes, I hope it goes well for all of you.

  4. Step 1… how does your wife feel about all this? Would she have sat on your lap if wifey was there?

    Step 2… does it matter if they are swingers? If you aren’t interested just say no if they ask. It only matters if you 2 may be interested.

  5. What I’d do is casually bring up the topic around them Infront of your wife and see how they react!!! Mention the sex bedroom show or say some old college friends you know are now doing it who they don’t know. If it’s just y’all hanging out of shouldn’t be awkward but you should get your answer.

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