Often when I’m strapped for cash I’ll block my card, swipe it at the self checkout then walk off quickly before I ‘realise’ the payment hasn’t gone through. I would only ever do it at big chain supermarkets but I’ve never had anyone say anything, despite returning to the same shop a few days after committing said offence.

I read a comment on a thread which said he did this by accident and went back to pay and was told they’d written it down as a ‘walkout’. Do shops keep records of stuff like this?

Not after any moral judgement btw, just interested.

Edit: love how riled up over this everyone is 😂 sad little lives Jane

  1. Love it when people post shit like this and then declare the rules to what people can reply with.

    Don’t post in an open forum if you don’t want open replies.

    PS: no matter how you try to justify it (only big supermarkets haha) you’re still a thief.

  2. Of course they fucking do.. they wait until they have enough evidence for a guaranteed prosecution.. they have also started issuing on the spot fines of £500+.. get a referral to a foodbank or pawn/sell something. A criminal record/prison will permanently fuck up your life.

  3. Then self checkouts have cameras and any incomplete payments will have evidence of who was last at that till

  4. I know someone who works in a small chain and they would be onto you after about 3 times. You’d end up barred (may only be a light one whereby certain staff members will not know and let you in) and the police would be notified. Whether the police do anything is another story entirely, but you would become known as a thief (and a tramp).

  5. The self-checkout tills have cameras, the fact that you used your card also means they know your name. They have plenty of evidence of your crimes.

  6. Yes and they can get evidence from your card attempt. Just do the traditional shoplifting

  7. If you go to the till they have a picture of your face and your items and what you have (or haven’t) paid. You’d be safer just walking out

  8. When I worked in retail we knew and didn’t care. I’m not gonna call attention to someone stealing, whether they have a good reason to or not. Wasn’t paid enough to care and I’d rather someone get to eat than give more money to a million pound company.

  9. Or do what normal thieves do, go inside Savers get a handful of anything shove them in your jacket and walk away asap. Its funny becoz the guy I saw do this was wearing a thick jacket in the middle of july 🙂

  10. Prepare yourself for the “you are scum” replies, it is easy for people to feel pompous and good about themselves online in that respect. Basically shops don’t, and can’t, care too much. They come to a self serve till which hasn’t gone through, no one is around, so they clear it and move on. There is no one there scrutinising CCTV and then waiting to pounce if the person identified comes back in the next day. The police aren’t interested in following it up. It just gets written off.

  11. Store staff are unlikely to know or care. Automated company systems are another beast and will detect your card consistently bouncing followed by failure to pay. I’d be surprised if they weren’t building a case against you now. They’d much rather get someone like you because you’re easy to catch, you’ll get a ‘proper’ sentence and police will be interested, unlike someone they can only hang one incident on.

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