Recently, I’ve talked to this girl a lot, we have lots in common, she says I’m really chill, she always laughs at my jokes, says that I’m too nice, stuff like that. Recently, this girl got an anonymous question asking what her type is and she almost perfectly described me in that post, is she trying to give out hints or something?

  1. Idk how involved you are in her life for her to make a post about you, but if you feel like you fit the description, approach her like that.

    The worst thing she can do is say no, but you’ll never know unless you try. I guarantee the “what ifs” will mess with you more.

  2. Literal worst mistake you can make in these situations is waiting a long time to make a move. You’ll end up obsessed and if you get a no you’ll have a hard time getting over it.

    Find a time that seems appropriate and just ask her to go out somewhere and then take it from there.

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