I owe many days of emotional survival to my cats Vadar and Morty. I can’t be the only one.

  1. My wife and I have three dogs and two cats. The dogs are Oy, Hallelujah (Holly for short), and Babygirl. The cats are Amadeus and Hecate.

  2. He is my Fezzik. Since the day he was born in 2013. I was the ONLY one momma would let near the pups in the birthing area.

  3. Want my first car, street I grew up on, high school Mascot, and mother’s maiden name as well?

    Man I thought people quit falling for this 10 years ago on Facebook.

  4. My dog is named Ghost. He is a very white Lab mix. Kid wanted to name him Whitey but my wife said “We already have one of those at home.” (Im white, wife is not ;))

  5. Chai is a dog I’ve adopted since my mother in law no longer wants to take care of her. She did not bother with training her so I had to take up that task. She is a smart dog and picks up quickly, but she has a lot of attachment and anxiety issues that we are working through.

  6. Bella and Chuck, me and my BF got them 2 yrs ago and love them like crazy. I feel they like me more but listen to my partner more

  7. I had a grey Himalayan cat that I called Shady, which was because he looked like a shadow of cat. That cat got me through the toughest part of my life, and I absolutely love him to this day. I got him just around the time I realized my parents were horrible narcissists and was trying to process the change in how I felt about that discovery, and he was the only thing I felt loved by for years until I was able to process my feelings and change my life for the better. Miss that crazy ass cat all the time.

  8. Zoe.

    Off topic once the automod started eliminating the over sexual questions I’m starting to see more questions like these from women redditors.

    This is the type of questions that you see in the women subreddits.

    Not saying that it’s good or bad just an observation.

  9. Died a while ago but Japi was my pillar for eight years through thick and thin. Best companion anyone could ask.

  10. My dog Bear passed away yesterday morning. He was with me since 08. German shepherd black lap mix. When I felt truly isolated and alone he was always their and I only hope I gave him as good a life as he gave me.

  11. 2 cats, Bella (F 11) & Lil Bit (F 4). 2 dogs min pin Ginger (F 10) & Petey, little mutt (M 3). But I still miss my mini Dachshund, Dandy. He passed away 3 months ago @ 14.

  12. “What is your pet’s name” is often used as a SECURITY QUESTION.

    Innocuous looking questions like this are often fishing for answers to hack people’s money accounts.

  13. I have a blue heeler named Ruger. That furry ball of energy being so happy to see me is the best part of coming home every day.

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