What does it mean if a guy says he wants a woman to be a big spoon sometimes? Does it mean je wants her to be dominant?

  1. Big spoon is the person doing the hugging n holding

    Little spoon getting hugged n held

  2. The big spoon is the person holding the other from behind. Google like “big spoon, little spoon cuddling” and you’ll see images

  3. Thanks everyone. As long as it doesn’t mean bdsm or anything because im not into that

  4. It’s terrible/non-descriptive term, since spoons nest when they’re the same size, and many nest just fine with a smaller (tea) spoon behind a bigger (table) spoon.

    “Front spoon” and “back spoon” aren’t much better, since they can go bowl up or down in a drawer. “Top spoon” and “bottom spoon” sound BDSM-ish, and ignore the fact that people “spoon” more on their sides than back/front. Somone needs to come up with a better metaphor.

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