When did you realize that life doesn’t need to revolve around sex and dating?

  1. In my late 20s, after a divorce and lots of dating afterwards, just got tired of it, it got repetitive, same shit different pile. I started doing things on my own and just enjoying my time with family and friends, and exploring new hobbies, and realized I enjoyed that much more than dating. Some people just aren’t wired to be held back or tied down I guess.

  2. It was in 2020. I had been dumped at the end of 2019, and spent that whole year just trying to move on. I downloaded Tinder and Bumble (work and the pandemic made dating pretty difficult) and just got sick of everything. I realized how frustrated I was getting with dating, and how much more happy I was in most other areas in my life. So I focused less and less on dating… until early 2021 when I met the girl I’m currently dating, but we met just looking for friends- we didn’t expect to date each other.

  3. Probably around when I realized I needed money first in order to have success in dating/sex.

  4. Never started thinking that, but my last relationship was emotionally abusive, to a point where the stress ended up in physicall symptoms. I gave my 100% and realized that its not worth it. So I gave up on dating, decided to focus on myself, my mental and physical health. Started to create a life for myself which was fulfilling and happy.

  5. Honestly for me when it has come to dating (sex only comes when I am in a relationship), it has always really worked in the context of just doing the stuff I enjoy and all and the other side just falls in place after that. I never really focused on dating in the sense of “continually/actively looking.”

  6. 15ish. I was in a bad state, physically and mentally and I just wasn’t ready for it.

  7. Highschool, freshmen year, about the same time I realized that T.V. lied to me about a lot of things. It didn’t help with popularity that I wasn’t going after the same things as everyone else, but it was far more simple and relaxing.

  8. I mean always, those things are just fun to do, and I’ve been married for the past 8 years and we have a pretty steady sex life so it’s obviously not something I obsess with just out and about but not to sound too corny life is about the memories you make along the way and whatever you feel your purpose is

  9. I was in my 30’s, divorced, doing everything everyone below says, being happy & loving the freedom. A gazillion hobbies but, dating & sex never goes away, it just goes on holidays.

    I’ve tried to resign myself to no love, no physical attention, no touch from a woman. It’s get old very quickly. I’ve met someone & bedding her is about the last thing on my mind. Cuddles come 1st, 2nd & 3rd.

    I don’t even know if it can get to 4th… tbh I don’t care unless it’s a ‘problem’.

  10. Basically when you get older. As a young person, of course it does. In your prime and all that. After awhile though, just kinda get tired of the drama and trama.

  11. When you’re without sex and relationships for a few years, you come to realize that all yhat free time you have on your hands that you can invest in doing things you like could be lost if that time had to be split and approved by someone else.

  12. The only people who “realize” that are those that have the luxury of being neurotypical and socialized well enough that they can more or less reliably date.

    Humans are animals and like any other animal their brain is programmed to desire mates. For those who can’t get it, their quality of life decreases. No point in gaslighting them or dismissing their experiences.

  13. At 18/19. I’d been a serial cheater for some time, on various different women, some of them with each other even.

    Had a “I’m an asshole” moment. Stayed single for years, barely got laid. Ended up in a bad marriage because an old friend would get me hammered and we’d have sex. Drunk me ain’t great about remembering the condom. Shit marriage for 5 years. Single again for nearly a year and a half. Ain’t got laid once.

    I just work, game, take care of my children 3 days a week. Not even bothering to try dating or getting laid. I’ve got enough problems and honestly, I’ve realistically been out of the game for like 12 years so I got fuck all for “game”.

    More focused on rebuilding my life, but I was homeless and unemployed following my divorce. Ex-wife wouldn’t let me go back to work during the pandemic then lied about me being the abuser (I wasn’t perfect by any sense, but I didn’t nearly break my wrist trying to hit her in the face, or hold a kitchen knife to my throat and threaten to kill myself in front of the children) getting a court order for me to move out.

  14. I’m reasonably sure that I knew that from the beginning, or close enough.

    The problem is that sex and having a good partner make life a whole lot better than being single and sex starved.

  15. February this year. Broke up with my ex. She tried to keep me in the relationship with sex and going out all the time.

    I just wanted to have someone by my side as I push for my businesses to grow, because I am busy with some large projects and want a woman whose been there from the beginning and I’d give her a life she’d never experienced when it’s successful. She turned toxic, and the women who have made themselves available to me had just been focusing on sex.

    Having someone who is down for me no matter what and respects and understands my ambitions is way more important than just sex and dating.

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