How do you feel when your wife/girlfriend has an examination with a gynecologist? We all know it’s just an examination, but I’m curious, did you mind the doctor touching/looking at your wife? What’s on your mind? Does it make you feel uncomfortable in any way?

  1. Professionals are professionals. I’d rather want them they do their job properly so I know my gf is healthy, rather than worrying about anything else.

  2. Why would it make someone uncomfortable? She’s being checked to make sure everything is good.

    I try to make sure we have sex the night before, leave a little surprise for the doctor.

  3. I don’t think she even tells me. Sometimes I know, other times I don’t. If there was something she wanted to tell me, she would.

    Also, it’s normal. It’s just a doctor. Wait until she finds out that a doctor is fingering your asshole.

  4. It’s just a medical exam. Not a big deal. They have to touch/look to make sure she’s healthy. Doesn’t make me uncomfortable.

    Actually, one time I scooted over by the doctor to see what he was seeing inside. 🙂

    My wife wasn’t very happy with me.

  5. He or she is a doctor, so I don’t give it a second thought. Just hoping for an all clear and we’re good.

  6. I’m glad she’s getting everything checked out. Do you not want your SO to be getting check-ups?

  7. I know I’m not the most secure person in the world…. But it never crossed my mind to be insecure or uncomfortable about a medical visit. Something to shoot for I suppose lol.

  8. Believe it or not, with the exception of some high-profile criminals that have captured the public’s attention in recent years, people who work 70+ hours a week in their late 20s being berated and overworked by their attending doctors while their friends from college are at that point earning 2-3x and going to happy hour, hiking with their dog, or having children, don’t go into a field because they’re perverts.

    If this is an insecurity you have, you might wanna see a therapist.

  9. LOL it’s a medical doctor my G, if a man has an issue with you getting your vagina checked by a medical doctor, he’s either extremely insecure or he’s a special kind of stupid and doesn’t understand that it’s about your health not pleasure lol I actually encouraged my ex to go to the gynecologist once…

  10. Like a potato.

    Don’t understand the answer?

    Well I don’t get the question.

    Why would I feel weird?

    Has she been having health issues leading up to the visit?

    If not I don’t get what you are looking for.

    They’re a professional doing their job.

  11. They are a doctor. It’s a medical procedure. I entirely expect them to be professional about it. I don’t think any different than when I as a male go to the doctor for sensitive procedures.

    If my doctor was chuckling or making lewd comments while examining my prostate or genitals, I’d fire him instantly and file a complaint with his medical board.


    Why would I give any thought to how a doctor does his/her job for my wife? She knows to expect the same, and would do exactly what I would do if the medical personnel was anything less than professional.

  12. What the actual fuck is this question?

    You do realise that gynecologists are doctors right? Medical professionals.

    Also that gynecological examinations are awkward and uncomfortable and NO women like having them, we do it for our health.

    You have some serious issues dude.

  13. The same way your girlfriend feels when she knows you’re getting an anal probe by a doctor with huge fingers. I’ve had a woman doctor for decades, and my wife has never had an issue knowing there’s been another woman fondling my parts for medical reasons.

  14. If you think that’s weird, good luck if your partner ever gets a colonoscopy…

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