I personally hate guys asking ..Tell me about yourself or what you wearing …🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  1. The ones they ask because of the actions of one bad guy they met recently or a few. Lumping all of us with the worst of men. The leading, and “gotcha!” type questions. Just the sort of questions that they would not be comfortable with us men asking them.

  2. “What do you do for fun”

    Please turn off HR mode and talk like a normal person

    Edit with my reply since Reddit is buggy asf:

    Excellent question! I don’t think that’s either of your faults I think it just points to the inherent pointlessness of meeting people on apps. Very difficult to make good connections.

    Think about your natural friendships. Your best friend, you probably didn’t ask her “so how do you do fellow human?” You probably were doing the same thing (example: having the same class) and the friendship forms circumstantially. Maybe you start out sitting next to each other or working on a project together; and eventually get to talking. Maybe you notice she tends to doodle during class and “oh hey I love drawing too!” Or something like that.

    When you straight up ask someone what they do for fun, or what are your hobbies, it makes them feel like they’re in an interview. Feels so formal it makes them uncomfortable.

  3. It’s a toss-up between these 3:

    Who are you?

    Why are you in my living room?

    Where are your pants?

  4. I hate being asked about the details of a past relationship. If I wanted to be there I’d be there and as it is I’m here with you, let me be here with you.

  5. “Why don’t you open up to me?” Well, I won’t be doing that any time soon with you pressuring me. Patience. It’s not that simple.

  6. “What are you thinking?”

    Truthfully, most of the time it’s literally nothing, or it’s something really inane and silly.

  7. Any time they find something out about me and ask “why?” Like I have to justify every detail about myself. It’s why I don’t like opening up, it just leads to people asking why I don’t just be like them

  8. “What are you thinking about?” We’re not just gonna tell you our personal thoughts. We’ll just say “nothing”

  9. “Hey, can I ask you a question?”…please just ask the question first. It’s like having your boss tell you to meet them in their office later and nothing else. Your burying the lead is putting me into an early grave

  10. It drives me a little insane every time a woman posts “Why do men do this?” Usually the posts is about some sort of sexists behavior they don’t like being on the receiving end of. It just seems silly they would make a mildly sexist sweeping generalization about men will complaining about sexist treatment aimed at them.

  11. “How was your day?”

    I appreciate the interest, but the answer’s always going to be “same as yesterday”

  12. The constant “My ex boyfriend was an a hole. So Why are you men like this?”

    Or “This man was a jerk. Men; why are you like this?” question’s on this subreddit

    I don’t know what their ex boyfriends or other men think.. quitting venting their frustrations on me and other men on this subreddit. I’m no one’s therapist

    Why is it I have to explain everything a man does wrong? As if I know how all men on this planet work and think?

    I still remember answering a question on this sub about my hobbies and some female mod on this subreddit jumped down my throat for something I never even thought or said. Yet because some other sexist Misogynistic men said “Women can’t have those hobbies”.. somehow that applies to me as well… like WTF

    Why are there so many angry women on reddit venting all their frustrations onto me and other male users… just go away. Leave me alone. It ain’t my problem. Go talk to them men who actually wrong you or go see a shrink. Quit coming at me

  13. “what was your longest relationship?” I HATE this one because it immediately pits you against her. If your longest is 1 year and hers is 5 she’ll always treat you like a kid who has no experience. At least one of my terrible exes did this.

  14. I don’t care. I have no shame. Ask me anything, and you’ll get an honest answer. Good or bad.

  15. Okay guys look as a lady I’m sorry okay?

    I think we’re curious creatures that have to many thoughts in a day and we like to pick your brain to understand you.

    My poor boyfriend comes home from work and when I ask him what he wants to eat tomorrow he’s I don’t care

    It’s hard to adjust too
    But I’m my own experience it’s us just trying to know you and take care of you.

  16. Od both your mom and I fell in ocean and we both can’t swim who will you save first?

  17. not gonna lie, every one of these questions sounds coming from people who would hate any type of question that people would usually ask in order to establish relations and not really something to get worked at.

    get help, all of you.

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