Men Do you moisture before or after the gym? Why?

  1. After shower post gym yes. Otherwise my legs, elbows and hands get pretty dry and crack and itchy in winter

  2. I got foreskin to do that but use water if I’m in the mood despite it making no difference in satisfaction.

  3. Most men on here are white and they barely lotion in general since they don’t get as visibly ashy as black people

  4. Not before, but I do use lotion afterwards. Gatta keep my hands soft for my lady

  5. idk what the gym has to do with it, but always moisturize after a shower.

  6. i dont moisturize at all. is this a thing? i wouldn’t moisturize before the gym though. id feel like you’re clogging up your pores.

  7. Neither. I occasionally moisturize my arms and hands before bed, but everything else seems to be fine in all other weather conditions.

  8. After. I also use lotion after I shower because I’m trying to avoid the whole white-guy-that-looks-like-he-does-drywall-everyday look in my mid 30s.

  9. Ive never moisturized a day in my life.

    Ive definitely gotten swamp ass tho, shits moister than hell

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