It first start with me looking at people kissing as a young kid then went to watching porn and I’ve been molested by a staff member at the middle school I attended at the time I read something about a three percent chance that I may become a offender just the thought sent me down a rabbit of hole of ” oh I need to live my life like this and this” it really fucked me up to say the less now I have a therapist who I’m going to see tomorrow I’m going to tell that I think I may be pervert and how to get help due me thinking about dropping out of school and getting a job but before I do any of that I want to fix myself so I can keep that job any advice would be helpful guys and ladies I don’t want to be this way living in fear sucks and its towards everyone which makes it worst and I mean everyone.

  1. It’s normal, also you won’t become a molester, the way you think already shows that. It’s really just your paranoid mind tricking you. You really need to chill

  2. Being molested wasn’t your fault and you shouldn’t blame yourself. On that 3% thing, I’m pretty sure the general population has at least a similar if not higher rate of being a pervert. 3% is a really low percentage and also that’s easily managed by understanding about consent. Looking at porn is normal. Do it when necessary but not to excess. Be as honest as you can with your therapist, so they can help you. I recommend avoiding ones that are tied to a religious institution, as that won’t be helpful.

    Edited for accuracy

  3. Having thoughts is very normal, how you act on them is the problem. If you can control yourself and don’t do any harm to others, it’s all good to have weird thoughts since we can’t really control them.

  4. Do you have a support system? Friends family? Do you feel comfortable with your therapist?

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