I’m meeting coworkers for the first time Monday and I tend to get nervous in big group situations. Any advice on remaining calm and handling it?

  1. * realise that being a little nervous is not that bad. Allow yourself to be that way.

    * realise that nothing really bad can happen. Your coworkers have their own lives and problems going on. They focus much less on you than you think.

    * Get out of your head and a away from a self-centred mindset: Show interest in the things you will see and the people you will meet. Ask questions.

  2. Be an active listener. Don’t use closed body language (crossed arms etc). Ask questions of other people If you get a space in the conversation.

  3. You can be up front and honest: “big groups make me nervous but I’m glad to meet you all!”

    It’s truthful, courageous, vulnerable, and totally respectable.

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