Since I can remember I’ve always found it difficult to feel confident around other guys. It seems like a constant struggle to occupy and keep a respectable position in the hierarchy of the group you’re interacting with.

I think my height plays a big role in this because I’ve always felt insecure about being shorter than average. Of course I’m aware that there are many short guys that don’t have this problem but it seems to me that it’s especially hard to develop confidence when you don’t have the physical ability to take up as much space, stand your ground strongly, etc.

Can anyone relate to this?

1 comment
  1. I’m below average height aswell and I totally get what you’re saying. All it really takes is for you to love yourself and be self-assured then everything else falls into place. What it took for me to overcome this, was first just loving me and my demeanor etc. Then I got into fitness- boxing and weight training. So at one point I got into extremely good shape which helps a few things. It just makes your body physically feel good and look good. That boosted my self-esteem a bit. It definitely isn’t a cure-all but knowing I could kick the ass of people that dwarf me helped lol. Nowadays, I’m not in the best shape but I carry myself the same way.

    What helped me the most was getting used to being in situations where I’m around people all the time. I took myself to a rehab for a previous addiction and that forced me to socialize with people of all ages, shapes and sizes for a long period of time, with nobody having a phone. So we were forced to coexist and hang around shootin the shit.

    So my two-cents is to be yourself and try to practice being in social situations. Listen to your body and take action to what will help you. Whether that be working out, going to therapy, going to social events or a mix of all of the above. You’d be surprised how many people feel the same way you do whether they are short/fat/tall/purple or whatever.

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