26 yo female here and i recently started using dating apps again (I’ve only had 1 long relationship in the past so looking for dating advice here). I’m in grad school myself and basically i’ve met 2 guys through dating apps. 1 guy i actually knew before from grad school (recently graduated- i’m still in school) is the confident, pretty boy type. The other guy is from another grad school more the socially awkward type. Idk if this bias/something i need to overcome but basically i feel a lot more secure with the socially awkward boy because he seems less threatening whereas the confident pretty boy makes me anxious and nervous on dates simply because he’s so confident. I’m not trying to date multiple people at once so i’m not sure if I should just pick one right now. Any thoughts?

  1. Always go with the person who makes you feel comfortable and safe and also coming from a socially awkward guy I’d say give him time to get comfortable around you. It’s hard being socially awkward.

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