I (23F) just did a deep online stalk of a guy (25M) I’ve been talking to for about 5 months now, we met through a dating app and have never met yet, but already have plans on seeing next month. But I just found out the baby he’s “babysitting” isn’t his nephew, but his actual child.

I’ve already had my suspicions about this because there are scenarios that don’t add up, or that his stories change. I’ll do a bullet form of things I’ve noticed

– at first, he said kid is his cousin’s, but last week he said it was his sister’s. He only ever said he has 2 younger step sisters and the oldest is 18.
– caught the kid calling him Papa while on video call. Kid is less than 2 years old
– joked to him in the first month about how he’s lying to me and kid is actually his, he responded with “why would I lie about it”
– kid only stays with him once a week, sometimes even just for a day and not overnight.
– noticed how there are so many toys around his house
– recently saw theres a full on nursery in his apartment, tho for some reason it wasn’t there on our first weeks of talking

So many other things that he lie about, I just haven’t confronted him. Would love to play this game to be honest. Just wondering why do you think he would lie about this? Why is he denying his child? The first time I met the kid on video, I was already loving him! (Since I love kids. Also even joked that I only talk to him because of his cute “nephew”) So I don’t know why he has to keep up with his lie.

I found out that he’s the father through social media posts of the kid’s mom. He’s tagged everywhere and is obviously labeled as the dad 🤣

This is how I know women should really trust their gut feeling 🤭

  1. He is a liar, end it now and move on.

    There are so many honest guys out there, don’t waste another second on this lowlife.

    If he can’t be honest about the most important thing in his life, then telling lies about other trivial things won’t be very hard.

    You’ve wasted 5 months already.

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