I’m currently at a verge of a breakup. I care for my partner a lot, but I can’t feel that they won’t treat me the way I want. I trying to remind myself that I’ve exhausted all my efforts and tried the best I could. I don’t look at him badly either. I just know either we’re incompatible or I’m not the one who can change him. After all this time of trying, I realize nothing will change.

I still love him and the hope in me still wants to try. But this cycle has happened far too many times. I’m just scared my love and hope for the relationship will take over (I don’t even think it’s loneliness since I am someone who is very good at being alone). I also do not want to hurt him and know I will miss him too.

How do you build up courage to end a relationship that you know won’t lead anywhere? How do you stop yourself from taking your words back due to your love or hope for the person to change?
How do you break up with someone in the least hurtful and caring way possible?

  1. Honestly everything is easier said then done, if you’ve been feeling like this for awhile your heart knows what you need to do even though the breakup will hurt. I understand your pain but maybe it’s time for a change. Let yourself heal and really see what you want in life since your partner isn’t really showing he’s able to change. Maybe the breakup will help him realize he lost something and will change himself for the better with time. If you guys are truly destined to be together your paths will crossover one way or another. For now end things to end the mental battle by staying with him.

  2. Can I ask how HE feels the relationship is going?

    I mean if your going to break up with someone you might need some ammo. You haven’t really said why you think your incompatible? I’m curious.

    Not sure how to navigate this better without some more detail.

  3. Someone once asked me what my nonnegotiable said were, once I figured them out I think about what I’m missing. We’ve all been there( recently too) but I think you have to have courage for both parties to not drag it out knowing things won’t change. It doesn’t have to be ugly and it can be peaceful. I know Reddit can sometimes make it harder but really sit there and think would I be okay living just like this for another ten years? Does this person have qualities I would want my children to have? Good luck Op praying for you!

  4. i experienced something very similar recently. you need to rip off the bandaid, it’ll get harder and harder as time goes on.

    i’d also recommend going NC for a while, even if you do wanna be friends again eventually. my ex bf and i were off and on for four years and kept breaking up and getting back together, the only thing that stopped that cycle was me putting my foot down and doing no contact

  5. I’m sorry you are going through this. It is hard to leave a relationship. I’m happy you have recognized this feeling. It is not a happy feeling but something that many people in relationships deny until things get really bad or when things are close to the end.

    It sure hurts now but later down the road, you will realize the “why” and everything will come to full circle which in turn will help you understand why you had to leave in the first place. Think of it like this. In order to make room for someone new & special, you have to make space for it.

    I had a couple more questions. How long have you been with him for? Have you tried counseling?

  6. From my experience, I have just think to much about when eventually you two will break up. So just do it and don’t think about it to much, yes at first it will hurt but if you keep thinking about it you’re causing more harm to yourself then the other person. But do what your heart says, it’s just a situation where you need to think about what you actually want. Don’t make a decision when angry or upset or don’t make promises when you’re happy.

  7. I just went through this. It is so hard because Id breakup up and inevitably contact him again. He didn’t communicate was emotionally unavailable couldn’t talk about issues did no effort so I felt that he wasn’t into me the same way. I always reached out first, it was long distance. So my advice. Do it go no contact have support to keep you from contacting. If I had been strong enough the first time, I’d have 8 months of my life back and 90% less grief. The more intermittent his reinforcement the stronger my bond and trying to stay broke up became harder and harder, then I finally had an emotional and mental break down. NO CONTACT is the only way to stay successful. By chance is he a covert narcissist? Or an addict?

  8. Its nice when we have obvious reasons to breakup.

    Way harder when its a quiet voice from the back of your mind that says this apparently okay relationship isnt right.

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