Men of reddit… Are you happy? what’s your conception of happiness?

  1. Nope. Lack of sadness does not equal happy.

    I might be happy if I could actually use my free time and not always feel so drained trying to keep my family functional.

  2. To me, being “happy” is no different than being high. It’s temporary and fun while it lasts. Happiness be damned. I want to live peacefully.

  3. Blissful.

    Great family, great GF, great job, great friends, and loving life.

    It’s not that I don’t want for some things, it’s that they aren’t as important as the wonderful things I already have, in my life.

  4. My childhood and adult life have been filled with abuse whether it be family or physical abuse from my ex. Or her fuckface sister that sexually harassed and assaulted me multiple times.

    At this point I can’t run from the bad anymore. But therapy has helped tremendously. Instead of hopelessness I think I’ll survive if I can at least smile again. Have to find some dental care somehow.

    Edit: might not have my happy now but at least I finally know where it is.

  5. To be completely honest, I’m cool. Things could be better but things can also be worse. Just taking it a day at a time to get what and where I want.

  6. I’m about to finish my Diploma in Hospitality Management. Lost the weight I gained during lock down. Read six novels so far since January. Boyfriend got a job in the Air Force. Managed to give my parents some money, a start to paying them back for all of their sacrifices for us. And made a new friend that I met at a library; She’s also a huge bookworm. I’m pretty happy so far. But the increasing prices of gas, groceries, etc are seriously stressing me out.

  7. Happiness is an emotion, not a state of being you can attain and keep after you’ve figured out some secret of life. Thus you can never _become_ happy, but you can _be_ happy in this moment. With that said, I’m happy from time to time, but not all the time

  8. There are times I can be happy but happy overall with my life? Not very.

    I have an awesome girlfriend who helps me find the reason to be more happy but my job and living circumstances are keeping me down.

  9. Yes. Happiness comes through solving problems. Problems are inevitable. Success in resolving and getting through said problems are where happiness is derived

  10. I’m pretty happy. Or maybe just way less sad.

    I don’t think life will ever be perfect, that’s unrealistic to strive for. But I’m way less sad than I was a year ago. Life’s pretty good, the world’s just a bit much to take in and shutting it out has really helped.

  11. I’m quite happy, yes. I have plenty of money, good health, a beautiful house, a successful child. I have everything I need and more, I’m not stressed about anything. I was happy before I reached this point as well though. I don’t know, I’m just a happy person.

  12. Somewhat. I live by myself in a safe area, have a job I like despite only just making enough money to pay bills and save a tiny amount each week. I don’t see myself as successful though, and I struggle each day to see how I’m gonna level up to the next stage. I’d like to make more money, have a girlfriend who I feel worthy of, have more confidence and ambition. Right now my life is a 6.5/10

  13. Smiling and laughing for no reason other than being in the moment of appreciating life. I’m not happy but I’ve had instances of happiness.

  14. I’m content. I plan out the things I want to do, then do them, but sometimes I ask myself why I do it in the first place.

    I have a roof over my head (with a roommate), decent food in my stomach (I cook my meals), and have very few personal problems. While, making only 15$ an hour.

    I’m able to buy videogames as long as I time and plan my purchases, I sail the seven seas for tv and movies, I visit my family once every 1-2 months, and I can take a trip once or twice a year now. While, putting a couple hundred a month for investing.

    I’m still in my 20s and satisfied with my current state, but I still wish to leave retail and not be stuck here. That is my fear for the future. I consider myself temporarily satisfied, but still anxious about the future. For me happiness is a temporary state, just like any other feeling and can always change.

  15. I’m not happy, but I’m needed. That to me makes me at least want to try to keep going.

  16. I’m happy sometimes, I’m sad sometimes, what I am majority of the time is content. I’m content with how I’m living my life.

  17. If I wasn’t such a coward and worried about the people I’d leave behind I’d bow out of my life in a fucking heartbeat.

  18. I honestly don’t know. I have learned adulthood is fleeting moments of happiness broken up by pleasantries and intense focus periods. I set goals and when I meet them I have a time of joy then it fades and I’m onto the next goal. I realised the other day I hadn’t laughed properly in about 6 months.

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