Would I look for her instead of saying no?

For almost a month now, I’ve been getting to know this girl I(23M) met through IG. I’m going to name her Sarah(21F) for the story’s purpose. Weeks ago, something happened to Sarah and her mom texted me using Sarah’s phone, making a type of bond with me in a vulnerable time. After that, every time Sarah will get in trouble or in a fight with her mom, her mom would text me or call me to deliver her a message or for some favors.

Last Thursday Sarah and her mom got into a fight and Sarah decided to stay for a day with a friend. Sarah told me if I could go and pick her up and go out, so I did. What she didn’t tell me is that where I needed to pick her up was a bad and shady neighborhood. The one where “scouts” use a walkie-talkie to inform others about who gets in and out, and even stop your car to ask who are you visiting. When I asked her why some guys were looking at me and following my car, she told me that in that neighborhood someone got killed so everyone was alarmed and armed. Just in case people that not know, these types of neighborhoods in my country are called “Caserios” or “Residenciales” which are low-income sets of apartments where most of them are dominated by drug dealers/kingpins (bichotes) and hitmen (sicarios) who live there. I was nervous and anxious but because I didn’t have a suspicious face or car, the scouts didn’t do anything to me.

So, a few days later (today), Sarah’s mom calls me and tells me to pick her daughter in the “Caserio” because she doesn’t like her daughter’s friend. Her mom sounded anxious on the phone, but I told her I was working and I couldn’t pick her daughter up. The truth is, that I feel is not my responsibility that the girl I’m getting to know, which I’m losing interest because of this reason and many more, to pick her up in a shady neighborhood around 10 pm. Maybe is because I dont want to get into my old Codependency patterns, but I dont want to risk it. I feel bad because Sarah called me and she was expecting me to pick her up, but I told her I couldn’t do it. I just hope nothing bad happens to her, but I just dont want to carry someone’s responsibilities when I barely know this girl.

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