Just as the title says I just found out because I did my own investigating into a girl who told me before that she was with him but I believed him over her.

She was right she was with him for a year and a half almost 2 years and those years we were together.

He has not told me or confessed admitted told the truth about it until now.

I told him one night tell me the truth and be honest and he sat there and lied to my face and was willing to sleep on the floor to avoid talking about this. And I thought moment I knew what was true and he still wanted to lie to my face.

eventually days later he came with the truth and said that it was true.

We are very close to getting engaged so my heart doesn’t know what to feel.

I could picture a future all of us and now that this has come out I want to stay but I also know that I shouldn’t stay.

I’m stuck

  1. That’s a heck of a load of baggage to take into a marriage.

    You can’t trust him – nor should you. Call it off before it ever gets as far as an engagement announement.

    Some men are bastards. Some are not. This one is.

  2. The lies.
    Trust and believe this is just the tip.
    You can close your eyes to the truth and believe his continued lies and deception.
    But that would be to your detriment.
    I hope you take 5 steps back and stop looking at a potential engagement and really process that he cheated on you for over a year then lied and lied and lied.
    Girl, wake up.
    He is still lying

  3. It’s going to be rough initially but you’ve got to leave. Just walk away. You can’t trust this guy and if he thinks that he has you trapped with an engagement or marriage he will just step up the lying and cheating. You deserve better than this guy.

  4. technically they had a relationship and you’re still in doubt? you were only his b option.

  5. Two years of not caring that he was living a double life and using that woman and stabbing you in the back. That’s a whole relationship he was in with someone else regardless of them labeling it friends with benefits. Two years indicates a serious attachment. If you aren’t married yet that’s a blessing and a chance to escape way easier. I genuinely believe it’s living in the land of the make believe to think this person isn’t capable of doing that again. It’s kidding yourself in my opinion. It’s an extreme risk that will likely not pay off. People change, sure but there has to be consistent evidence for years and years and a track record of it to even consider it. I don’t think it’s wise to continue, to put it mildly. That’s just brutal what he did and you deserve an honest person.

  6. He spent two years cheating on you repeatedly and the next four years lying about it. Does that sound like a good basis for a relationship to you???

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