Hi I’m Alex (17F) and I was wondering if people can give some legitimate advice on how to be social and funny when you yourself having nothing interesting going on even though you do your best to make you life interesting and different?

  1. I’m way more boring than you. In fact, most people find it tedious to talk to me. And those are just my parents. They’re always yawning when I call them at 3:00 AM.

    But anyway, there’s no connection between being boring and being sociable. I know this sadly from my time enduring a semester in a boring little town where my eyes glazed over repeatedly when listening to tales about cows and growing corn, but I apparently had to endure them constantly as no one took the hint that I had important thoughts to get back to. They were all boring, but they were all very sociable.

    Eventually, I realized I was able to tolerate and endure them because they always made sure to ask about me, and my … experiments. The statue of limitations doesn’t run out on things like that so I’m not at liberty to discuss them, but anyway, they’d ask me about me and what I was doing.

    And that’s the secret. Just ask people about them and what they’re doing. Don’t ask yes-or-no questions that they can shut down, ask instead how they feel about stuff. Ask them what’s bothering them. Ask them about what they want to buy, or what they want to do in the future. Ask them if there’s a girl or guy they really like. Ask them what their favorite hobby is. Ask them to tell you something embarrassing or funny about a relative.

  2. In a world where everyone is trying to one up each other by how “interesting” they can be, being normal is actually quite more interesting! Don’t change your life to just fit into someone else’s mold of what they expect. Be you, fully you and the people who find you interesting will show up!

    Be kind, confident and approachable and people will be drawn to you for social interactions regardless of how you choose to live! When they do approach you, imagine living vicariously through their experiences (at least for me this helps ask genuine questions that might interest me if I was in the other persons shoes). Good luck!

  3. It isn’t about “being interesting.”

    It’s about taking an interest in others and having a playful approach to life.

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