I am a woman, 21 years old. I am not looking for a relationship right now. I am just living life, gathering some experience with different men, hooking up, partying, meeting alot of people but I don’t force myself into anything. I don’t want to be in a relationship unless I really fall for someone.
I have been in an on-off relationship from 2018-2021 and I don’t want to be in a loveless relationship, just to be in it. looking back I can see I stopped loving my ex early in the relationship already but i didn’t get it bc I was lost being part of this “couple-persona”.


Well, the thing is some peers of mine don’t understand that. I get regularly asked why I’m not in a relationship already. I am not being taken seriously when i say I don’t want to look for anything. Making it sound like I do something wrong that’s why I am not in one, while I explain multiple times that I don’t want one the way I explained here. And I don’t know how to deal with that. I know I shouldn’t care but I can’t deal with accusations made that are simply not true.

I am fairly attractive and I get hit on quite alot but by nobody that made me want to be in a relationship yet. people don’t believe me. I get asked SO SO MUCH about guys and if I want to be in a relationship. I am getting quite aggressive thinking about the many occasions.

My parents aren’t helping either. I once asked my parents why I should even keep going with life while I was in a serious dark place mentally and their advice was that I would get a boyfriend again eventually and I will be happy in a relationship and my meaning of life will come bacl. Acting as if my issue was being single, not my depressive episode.

My aunt once said I will always get back with my ex in a very disgusting tone – like I can’t find any other guy EVER.

My other friend said how weird it is that her ex hasn’t had any girlfriend for 2 years after their break-up, saying his mother is worried he might be gay and agreeing with her and saying how weird it is that some of her friends never were in a relationship and how weird they must be for that to happen. I felt so attacked bc I am literally in the position of her ex, didn’t have anything serious or even a crush. Just casual sex related things and some dates where I just didn’t like the guy like that.

As a woman in her early 20s who takes care of her appearance and looks very girly I am used to not being taken seriously but it took another degree being single for over a year now.
People see the right to make assumptions and make you feel like there is something seriously wrong in being single for a while. I feel too young to be judged so hard for trying to even find out what I want from a guy.

How am I supposed to respond or act in these situations? I have been close to tears multiple times bc no matter what I did it ended in “yeah you’re searching and no one wants you” basically.

1 comment
  1. No offence but the people in your environment sound like dickheads. Idk what the correct way to deal with that is, but like?? I really don’t think being in a serious relationship is the norm for 21-year-olds??? Single or fucking around and figuring shit out sounds exactly about right for the ones I know. Where are you from? But also even if it *were* the norm, that’s still like such asshole behaviour to say shit like that to/about someone. I’m honestly so pissed off on your behalf lol

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