TLDR: Only 5 more days until no contact is over between me and my ex gf. How do I stay strong for these last couple days until I can text her?

Me(18) and my ex gf(19) have been broken up for almost a month now and just recently broke contact completely. I have been working on myself in all the ways you can imagine and I am going to text her on Saturday and see what happens. We still have a connection and she still wants me as a part in her life I just overstepped her boundaries in the relationship which ended it. How do I stay strong during these last couples days and what should I do if she refuses to talk or doesn’t respond?

  1. Such a waste of time. Makes zero sense to try and fix the relationship by not contacting each other. Either get back together or cut contact and move on. Only 2 options.

  2. Please read your post. She sounds controlling AF. She ended it with you over a boundary and now you’re waiting to be able to ask her if you’ve improved yourself enough to be with her again?

    Im thinking this was some petty infraction that she decided to call a “boundary” so she can exert power over you. And obviously the no contact thing was her idea too right?

    Boundaries are supposed to be really important rules for health, physical and mental safety with each other. Was it at that level, the boundary that you broke?

    Are you able to discuss these things with her as equals or is it “break my rules and I cut you out to punish you until i say you can come back”?

  3. Be ready for her to not want to interact. You need to leave her alone if she asked for space and gave you a timeline. If you respect her then you respect that timeline. Still, there’s no reward for doing so. You didn’t earn a second chance by respecting a boundary. Working on yourself does not earn you a second chance, it’s just something you should be doing anyway. Good luck.

  4. Something that has helped me during breakups is writing the days I don’t talk to them. I have a calendar at work and I write the number of days of no contact. Idk why, but that helps me and there were points I finally was over the break up that I didn’t write the number down because I was over them. It’s weird but it worked for me through my worst points.

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