I 24(M) have a crush on 25(F) since 9th grade (1st year of highschool). We have always been friends but, obviously I want more than that. Over the years we have been hanging out usually in a group of friends ,but when the Pandemic hit in 2020 that changed a bit.Please keep in my that i never tried to hit on her as I am a very shy person when it comes to girls(probably afraid of rejection/losing a friend) This is where I have no clue if she maybe liked me. For about 2 months in 2020 we have been hanging out almost every night for 5-6hours maybe more. We used to go out in the park to play tennis or with our bikes. Staying somewhere random jusr talking for hours, laughing,talking about our lives,but If i remeber correctly we never spoke about our ex-es or anything implying that. We went on multiple trips toghether. Now after the 1st few weeks (in my head at least) noticed a few thing that changed in her behaviour and maybe mine as well. We were taking longer trips ,laughing ,listening to music,we had way more physical contact(like she would put her arm around mine,or saying she had cold hands and I was trying to make her feel warm and a lot of small other things,but nothing that was feeling “romantic” for me because i might be very bad with signals) and she was confinding in me more. At this point I thought that we might already be toghether but without the “benefits”. In my oppinion this 2 months have been amazing,however after these 2 months we had a big fight in my opponion on something that i cant go into details(not related to our status or smth similar) . After this fight we barely spoke and I kinda told her I had a crush on her in like forever. We stopped talking. Fast forward to the begining August 2022 , I called her on her birthday like i have done for the past 10 years every year,and we meet eachother again 2 days ago. We went out again and we stayed out for about 3-4 hours. One of the 1st thigs she talked about is that she broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago who she was with for about 1.5 years on and off. I just listented even tho I was ,you know didnt really wanna hear it . After that we had a good time ,talking about our life,memories ,actually had a very funny moment involving a security gard. At the end of the night (she dropped me off) we kissed eachother on the cheeks and I told her that “I’ve missed this” and she replied “Me too” . Now what I am looking for some of your oppinions ,did she like me as maybe a potential boyfriend ,why would she bring being basically single at this point and idk ,maybe some helpful tips on how to maybe find out and act on it, again I am very shy. I can talk about everything with a girl but the actuall asking out is like a knife. (Sorry if my english was bad,its my 3rd language)

  1. You can try and take things further but only if you want to run the risk of losing this “friendship”.

    >I 24(M) have a crush on 25(F) since 9th grade (1st year of highschool). We have always been friends but, obviously I want more than that.

    Honestly man it’s a bit scummy if you were just playing friend to get to her. But I wouldn’t take notice of anything serious. She may just be comfortable with you since you’ve known eachother for a long time and how open you’ve been when talking.

    I’m not ignoring that she may be interest and is just as shy … she might be … but I don’t want to give you ideas.

    Your best bet is to keep things platonic with her and genuinely be a friend to her. That means be there for her and remove the romantic interests. Your safer bet is to meet other girls. I don’t know if you’ve tried dating but having feelings for someone else will only hold you back.

  2. Man, you’ve waited a decade to make a move and still haven’t. You can try, but the chances of her seeing you as anything more than a friend are pretty slim. You could try to make a move, go for a kiss on the lips instead of cheek. Don’t profess your undying love for her no matter how good that may feel.

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