Men, what are your biggest pet peeves?

  1. When my SO expects me to play by a set of rules but she’s never told me the rules what they are. Like was I really supposed to know you meant yes when you said no or vice versa?

  2. When someone says something to me that I didn’t catch so I ask them “What did you say?” And they get annoyed and won’t repeat it.

  3. People who complain about things they themselves have the power to fix but chose not to.

  4. People taking strong positions that they haven’t thought through. When you can drive a bus through the logic of someone’s statement and they still won’t change because they’ve never actually been challenged in their life.

    Similarly – pointing to an “ism” as a counter argument. It’s POSSIBLE someone isn’t disagreeing with you because of racism…you might just have a crap idea.

  5. People who only talk about sex and relationship. It’s so annoying like you don’t have any hobbies or anything?

  6. “Tests” are the quickest way to lose all trust and faith, and furthermore any chance of getting help with anything ever.

  7. I have so many, this question would need to be narrowed down to topic. Example: Social pet peeves, workplace pet peeves, behavioral pet peeves, travel pet peeves, fine dining pet peeves, and on and on.

  8. People that talk with an upwards inflection at the end of their sentences so it sounds like they’re always asking a question

  9. sexist people, especially when we’re sitting in a mixed group and some guy turns to you and says “man, this girl drama bullshit really bores us guys”, and you’re like “this person does not represent me”

    rape culture, ditto, but on a much more serious scale, like dude this isn’t funny at all, we are not amused

    when someone is in the other room trying to talk to you, and you can’t hear them…it’s like “just come IN HERE and talk to me”

    people who say “you should cut your hair” or “this type of clothing would look so good on you”, like back off man

    generally people who try to control or change other people’s lifestyle choices, especially mine

    squeaky windshield wipers

    people who mow their lawns at 6 am on the weekend

  10. Excessive drama about representation and racism and sexism and whatever ism, especially if the speaker is not part of said group of people.

    I know people can do that, but it absolutely infuriates me when social justice warriors evidently know nothing about what they are saying and have based all their brainless noise they call an argument on 5 lines of text on quora.

  11. Hate when people complain but are not willing to do anything to change their situation.

  12. Bad parking, misspelled words on marquees or posters, people talking to me from another room and expecting me to go to them to hear, litter, endlessly barking dogs, the incredible intolerance of those that preach tolerance.

  13. 1. Basic lack of respinsibility/ownership of mistakes.
    2. People who can’t follow the rules.
    3. People whose entire identity is based on their preferred method of orgasming.
    4. People who are obsessed with insta/ tic tok/twitter
    5. People who cant show up on time
    5. People who spout opinions on shit they have no substantive knowledge of
    6. Lack of intellectual curiosity/critical thinking…”for this or bad” mentality
    7. People who cant vocalize what they want.
    8. Cultural obsession with instant gratification/consumerism/inability to plan long term and self sacrifice to achieve goals
    9. Blaming others for your poor decisions or inability to control your emotions
    10. Cultural obsession with equality of outcomes.

  14. Casual stereotyping of men and toxic dating culture. I know this goes both ways, but I have noticed it more from my end. There is this thin cloud of assumed mistrust about intentions and motives. It kind of feels like I am being tested carefully instead of someone getting to know me as an individual. That is on the extreme and occasional end. The more mild end is people assuming that men don’t take dating seriously. All I want in the world as I have passed 30 is to get married and have a family. The other annoying thing is if I were more upfront about that instead of recognizing I take dating seriously a lot of people would assume I was going to try to rush things. So kind of screwed either way. I think it boils down to people taking the idea of “red flags” to the extreme. You could paint anything as a red flag if you give the least charitable interpretation to something. “Oh he doesn’t say he is looking for something serious and long term, red flag, commitment phobe” or “Oh he said he dating with marriage in mind, crazy creep that will propose in 2 weeks, red flag.”

  15. People that base their entire personality off of emotional beliefs and refuse to accept that someone else might have valid and accurate opinions on the subject. If you live in Utah you know exactly the kind of person I’m talking about. It doesn’t matter what topic is brought up, they always take it back to their emotionally held belief.
    Since I’m from Utah I’ll use Mormons for an example. If you try and talk about sports with a Mormon where their personality is being Mormon, they will only know anything about teams that have Mormons on them and BYU sports. If you try and talk to them about whether Michael Jordan or Lebron James is the best basketball player, they’ll throw in some basketball player that’s Mormon and insist he’s the best. If you try and talk about food with them, they bring it back to the version of the word of wisdom (the Mormon version of being kosher). If you try and talk about politics with them, all their opinions are based on their religion. If you try and tell them how you disagree with their religion or say it’s not for you, they immediately go on the counter attack and act like you saying you don’t want to follow their religion is you saying they can’t follow their religion. If you try and talk about charity work or philanthropy they’ll talk about how they cleaned the church building they go to last weekend, or how they went to the temple and had such a great experience. If you try and talk to them about relationships they’ll insist the only way to have a happy marriage is to wait until marriage to have sex (which is why Mormons get married so quickly and so young. They want to have sex but can’t til they’re married), and how any great relationship has to be centered around Christ and how the man needs to be in charge and the woman needs to be subservient and submissive to him in all things. It is impossible to talk to them without the conversation turning into a conversation about religion, and if you disagree with them about religion it immediately turns into an argument and usually involves them insulting you and attacking you while acting like you’re attacking them. It’s infuriating.
    I’m not just going to pick on religion though, people do this same thing with astrology, reality tv, star wars, etc. It doesn’t matter what the topic of conversation is, they will inevitably leave the conversation or turn it into a conversation about the thing they have based their personality on, and is usually something that is objectively false (religion, astrology, and reality TV are the main ones I see, and religion and astrology are objectively wrong about a ton of stuff and reality tv is not an accurate representation of reality or the lives of the TV stars.)

  16. 1. People asking “questions” very obviously to taunt rather than to learn or find out.

    2. “Shit tests” especially by women

    3. People being absent/not contributing

    4. People-pleasing tendencies

  17. Anyone that isn’t willing to get to know someone because of specific things (i.e. autism, lgbtq+, different religions) and people who complain about things but don’t do anything to fix it.

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