How long did you wait to delete dating apps after meeting someone “special”

  1. When the relationship has begun. Though I will start staying off the 2nd and 3rd date go well and it seems like it is heading that way. I don’t want to get sidetracked. It is about letting the new thing play out than committing early.

  2. After a good 3rd or 4th date, I probably stop actively looking for new people to message and might let things peter out with anyone I was also seeing but unsure about.

    Wouldn’t take the full step of deleting accounts until after we define the relationship and agree to be exclusive.

  3. After you’ve made it official? Idk. Pretty easy to delete and app and just re download it later anyway

  4. After fucking. Not love making, not causal sex, but the most brutal, borderline consensual-rape levels of hardcore, animalistic, BDSM-is-vanilla, fucking.
    Those ones are life long keepers.

  5. I only keep a profile up for a few weeks at a time.

    I’ve met plenty of special people on the apps!

  6. Dating apps weren’t a thing when I was last single but I just stopped logging into any dating sites after 2-3 dates.

    Date 1 = lets see of there’s a fit of any kind.

    Date 2 = Are we interested in learning more.

    Date 3 = I’m planning to continue this and see how it goes.

  7. Basically immediately. I finally downloaded a dating app in 2020 when everything shut down and after a couple days I matched with a girl from the college I went to. After we exchanged contact info and started talking I stopped swiping on it or really opening it for any reason and after our first date I deleted the app altogether. We’re now engaged and planning a future together and I couldn’t be happier

  8. For us, we stopped using it once we moved to direct contact. Thou it stayed unused, the app came off after 4-6 months. Not sure I deleted my profile, may go back in and grab those first messages between us at some point… Ohh were married so not going to need it again.

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