What was the last reason you felt slightly jealous?

  1. Lowkey jealous of everyone who did HL chem, bc now I’m thinking about choosing a diff degree, but those degrees need HL chem 🥲🥲🥲 I did HL bio instead because duh, it’s a biology related filed, but no 🥲🥲🥲 they want chem, instead 🥲🥲👍🏻🥲👍🏻

  2. Last time my boyfriend’s grandmother called… In generel seeing a functional family since I come from a dysfunctional one.
    But the jealousy is slowly disappearing, because I feel like his family is taking me in. I really love his family, they are awesome!

  3. There’s this guy I kind of have a crush on but, he lives on another continent and, neither of us are interested in long distance. I sometimes feel a bit jealous seeing all the people who get to interact with him irl regularly

  4. Influencer I follow could devote herself to her art and to collecting vintage clothing because her partner has a steady, well-paying job. It’s a beautiful dream, I wish I could devote that much time to my passions.

  5. Everyone (well, it feels like it anyway) I know is getting engaged, married or having kids. And I am nowhere near that stage of my life. I don’t like feeling jealous of my friends or old classmates, but it’s hard not to be.

  6. I stopped acting a few years ago due to family reason and requiring a stable income, I’ve watched my friends climb higher and higher in the industry, seen them in magazines, meet and work the actors we always dreamed about working with… I am proud of each of them, but I was heading the same direction and it’s hard to see your friends living your dream. Especially when they are now making far more money.

  7. I’ve seen a guy friend on Facebook, who’s completely from another country and we chatted like 2 years ago, getting engaged. And I still don’t understand why I felt jealous when I saw his pic with his fiancée.

  8. I’m a musician, as are all my friends. One of them is an accomplished harpist with a steady job and lots of gigs. Every time he gets invited to play somewhere or mentions having no time off because of work, I get jealous because I’m a violinist and don’t get as much offers (there are literally hundreds of us in our city and less than 10 harpists). Also for the same reason, he gets paid more. We’re playing the same gig next week and he’s going to earn twice as much as me because he gets to bargain and I can’t.

  9. my bff ignored me all day and i thought he was busy until i saw him flirting with someone in a group chat and realized he just was avoiding me

  10. There’s this guy who I’ve been friends with for 2 years now, I was always interested in him but back when we first met he talked about how he wasn’t interested in moving countries so we just ended up staying friends instead. Thing is now he’s marrying someone with Canadian citizenship just so he can move there. I’m a little jealous, a little hurt but mostly angry.

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