What did you have an epiphany over?

  1. Mine was to stop smoking marijuana and tobacco. I haven’t touched it since and it’s been almost 5 weeks.

  2. Being a good friend to myself, rather than a mean bully.

    My life has been so much happier ever since!

  3. Losing weight –> Being strong. I suddenly realised if I did it for me to feel strong and healthy instead of being skinny for society and to make people more attracted to me, it would stick. I’ve battled EDs for 10 years and then in January everything just clicked. Not saying I don’t have my moments, but I feel so much better and harmonies with my body. I’ve lost weight for the first time ever the healthy way, slow and sustainable, with love for my body. I view exercise as something I love to do instead of HAVE to do, I eat to nourish and not punish. AND I THREW AWAY THEM FUCKING SCALES. How much weight I lost on scales-none. In measurements? Loads.

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