Guys who didn’t plan on waiting until marriage but did because your girlfriend wanted to, how did you change your mind?

  1. I get it, relationships aren’t 100% about sex but it’s def a big percentage. What if the sex is trash!? Now you are legally binded to this one trash ass vagina/penis

  2. OP, run.

    Seriously, the likelihood of marrying and staying married to your highschool sweetheart is slim. It’s likely even slimmer if sex is at all a motivation to get married.

    If you don’t want to wait, and she does, then you do not have compatible values around sex, which should be a deal breaker.

  3. People who wait strictly because of religious reasons should remember the Bible was written over 1000 years ago when the average lifespan was 30 years old and most married in their early teens. Sex is healthy whether you are married or not.

  4. Don’t know that this has ever happened before, but if a guy did go along with this he either jerked off A LOT, or has a side piece.

  5. I dated a crazy catholic girl that was adamant about waiting. After two years she dumped me for no reason. That’s two years no sex for nothing. Then I met a Brazilian and had amazing sex. Now we’re married

  6. Well, I guess technically I was in that mindset. Granted, I was young and it was my first relationship at the time, and before that I was a loner. It also helped that we were heads over heels for one another at the time. So I thought, well, what’s another few years since I already waited 18+ years. Also, it helped that she was at least willing to do oral, so that was good.

    Thankfully, it wasn’t long until she changed her mind and surprised me.

  7. Not in a relationship and haven’t been married. If my partner wanted to wait I would wait

  8. You can’t wait until marriage to have sex. That is a recipe for diaster. Like, ruin your entire fucking life, disaster

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