What seemingly strange question will reveal a lot about a person?

  1. – When is the last time you got so drunk you embarrassed yourself?

    – What’s the worst illness or injury you’ve ever had?

    – Have you ever lost any loved ones?

    – When did you last laugh out loud and why?

    Just a few that come to mind in no particular order.

  2. How do you take your coffee?

    Not a strange question per se. But strange how much it can reveal: “I’m a decaf, soy, upside down caramel machiatto” sounds like a way more high maintenance person than “cream and two sugars”.

  3. If you had to pick between saving one child or 10 adults, which would you pick?


    Would you rather be killed by a bear or a shark?

  4. What’s a sound you like?

    It allows them to go into a memory, or several. Usually gets them to share.
    Not usually asked so you know that, most likely, you’ll catch them offguard, getting a real answer.
    And if they brush the question off as “too childish” or something similar, well, that also tells me a lot about’ em.

  5. What percent of other people do you think are crazy? Just take whatever percentage they say and that’s how much percent crazy they are.

  6. For men: would you want your daughter to date someone like you? This should be asked in person so that you can see the body language/hear the tone of voice as he answers.

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