There’s a friend of mine who i met in a language classes, it was a 3 months course, that is where I met her so we never really talked until it was last 2 weeks left for our course to end, we found out that we live like 10mins away from each other’s house so I started to drop her at home first and then go to mine we became friends
Later on we started talking on social media platforms and kinda got close?
The course is divided by 6 level and level’s duration is 3 months
Currently we’re at 2nd level and now that we got close to each other
We started coming earlier than the timing of class given and hang out it became a regular thing afterwards but suddenly now things aren’t going as well as they used to

She has a lot of trauma from her past that she has never ever shared but once told me a quarter half about it
She’s also a very bright student in the Institute almost everyone praise her but lately she’s just not paying attention even teachers sometimes pointing it out to her that why are you lost in the class?
She has stopped coming early although I daily wait for her by going there early
We used to talk like all the day and now it’s not a single message from her and whenever I approach her she’s just talking to me in a very unsettling way emojis as replies or short and straight answers to just end the conversation.

We had a festival here for which we had holidays for 5-6 days straight
And as soon as our classes were resumed I asked her to come early she told I’ll come exactly at when the class starts
I thought maybe she has some work to do
When she came I tried to approach her but she completely ignored me as if I wasn’t even there
After classes I used to drop her to home first but this time I didn’t
I just walked behind her with a short distance and wanted to see if she’d put any effort or approach me first this time and she didn’t just got in the bus and went to home

That is when I just felt like piece of shit because now that I’ve known her for 3+ months being close to each other
She has started to act like this and I understand the part where she might be going through something or trying to protect herself from me or anything I don’t hate her I still feel like it’s okay if she didn’t approach it’s just I don’t wanna approach her either not out of ego because maybe I’m making her uncomfortable so would it be okay for me to back off now?

I’m sorry for posting such a big paragraph but I just don’t wanna hurt her as she has already been through things I’ve seen scars on her veins like she tried to do something

Also I once saw her phone, I’m the only person she talks to like only

I know I should also give her some time and ask her things but I’ve been doing this for a week now and now I feel like I need the type of reassurance that I’ve been giving her otherwise I’ll end up loosing my mind…

If it’s about maybe we’re not close enough
We’re really close and might have a done few things together as well.

Yes we’re dating as well

She’s 23F I’m 20M

1 comment
  1. I would send her a message and say hey I’m not sure what’s going on but if you need some space or anything I get it and I’m here for you if you need me.

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