Well after a summer of travelling and so much sun that I look like a different person, it’s time to fire up the ol’ hinge and have another go at it. I previously posted a review at the beginning of summer and the consensus was make more personalized prompts and eliminate/consolidate the group pics. I’ve done just that (I hope), so let it rip. I live in San Diego and am looking for a long term relationship before my parents arrange my marriage.

Appreciate the time, attention, and effort of all your constructive and non constructive comments.


Link: [https://imgur.com/a/zkyv7GT](https://imgur.com/a/zkyv7GT)

There’s a bonus pic at the end related to one of my prompts that is not on my hinge.

Additional pics for your perusal: [https://imgur.com/a/7geTFZM](https://imgur.com/a/7geTFZM)

Edit1: just a heads up the tan lines pic is NOT included in my profile. I just added it to the end for fun and anyones curiousty. I know it’s not a flattering pic.

  1. that’s an extreme tanline lol. Please wear sunscreen??

    At first I thought the olive garden thing was funny but then I got confused because it seemed more about literally eating. What part of the dating experience are you… microwaving? Or are you saying you’re going to serve your partner Lean Cuisine on the regular??

    I think your hair length+beard length ages you a bit in the first couple photos though IDK if that’s really going to matter much

    I personally am wary of mentioning anything more than once on a profile. In this one, it gives this feeling of a little kid wanting to be like “did you see my tan line?? did you? now look at this side” when they have to mention it two times in the space of a 30 second profile viewing

    you definitely seem like a high energy person, which is fine so long as you’re okay with *possibly* not attracting people who want to sometimes stay in on a Friday/ have a quiet movie night. I personally wouldn’t swipe right on this unless I felt ready to be going to a speakeasy/bike adventure/pride parade/yoga most days you have off

    (mostly looks fine though. Just minor things)

  2. Your first picture is good, but it looks like you’re trying to hide your slim shoulders with that dog 🐕

  3. You were right about those tan lines, but if I’m honest it’s not a very flattering photo. Clothes look worn, you’re not looking at the camera or posed in a nice way. I think you might have only added that photo to back up your tan line claim. But I don’t think you need to, personally.

    The first photo is nice. Overall not bad and I would probably chat with you to see if we get on/have interesting convo.

  4. Your profile is mostly activity based. Are you primarily looking for an activity partner? Just someone to do things with? Or do you want a relationship/a person with some substance? With deeper values? If it is true for you, sharing some of your substance and the substance you’re looking for will help you find something with more….well, substance/meaning/depth. However, this may not resonate for you. Most profiles just discuss activities and are looking for a check off bucket list partner. If that’s what you’re down for, cool! If not, and you want more *and* you want to stand out a bit….share that substance!

  5. I think 5, 6, and 9 in your additional photos are some of the best ones and you might consider swapping out for some of the others. Otherwise, I was confused why you have the caption “my quarter life crisis” on what looks like a picture of you at work, and as others have said, the “dating me is like eating at olive garden” prompt is meaningless and confusing.

  6. Profile screams GO GO GO GO GO.

    sometimes it’s nice to have nothing to do and watch a movie cuddled up on the couch.

  7. I think it’s good! I agree with the top commenter that the Olive Garden bit is kind of confusing – which parts of it are metaphorical vs actually about food? If it’s metaphorical then I don’t get most of them. The only other thing that gives me pause is I don’t like dating other doctors, but that’s just a me thing haha.

  8. I’ve never seen such intense tan lines, you good???

    Pic 7 from your additional pics is good and should def be used on the profile. I’m confused by the Olive Garden comparison, are you food? Are you a microwave? Are you a bottomless pit?

    the picture with the prompt “together we can be terrible at” also confused me. terrible at what, exercising? you seem very active so I don’t think that’s accurate. maybe photo #7 can replace that one and remove the prompt.

  9. I think you should get rid of the yoga pose/work out photo and replace it with #7 in the additional photos (the suit picture). I feel like the prompts are a long winded – I would shorten and be more concise. Your profile as-is great, just being nit picky. Happy swiping

  10. I’m confused.

    Are you looking for a long term relationship so you don’t get an arranged marriage?

    Or one *until* you get an arranged marriage?

  11. 4, 8, and 10 are my top three faves from your additional photos, but I think the ones you’ve already put on your profile look great. Everything else looks good, too–you’d get a swipe right from me!

  12. The “dating me is like” prompt is confusing

    I would replace your 3rd,4th,5th pics with your 3rd,5th,7th pics in your additional photos


    But pretty good profile otherwise

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