I’ve been casually dating the same girl for approximately 2 months, going on 3. We have a past together(where she has asked if we had something before) but she was the one who reached out after matching with me on an app. Things have been going very well until this little snag.

She’s come to my work multiple times, enough to warrant my coworkers making note of it. I’ve done the same at her workplace. Things have genuinely been very good! Physical touch and intimacy we’ve shared has been great. The other night we had cuddled and fallen asleep on the couch with a movie. We even went on a double date with another couple.

Most recently we were set up to do the same thing with that couple. When I had asked about it, she told me she would ask them but I never got a response. Meanwhile we had texted throughout the night as we do. I simply found it slightly awkward that our plans seemingly fell through and I was sort of kept in the dark. No explanation, not even to tell me nothing was happening. I found it very odd.

I’m planning on solidifying our relationship very soon. But this has put a snag in my confidence. Wanted an outsiders perspective.

TLDR: A girl I’ve been seeing left me in the dark about some plans, however we still communicated throughout the night. Should I still talk to her about us.

1 comment
  1. I don’t really understand. You asked her, and she would ask her friends and then that same (?) night you were texting and you expected her friends to answer right there and then? I feel like I’m misunderstanding something.

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